Jessica Simpson–Dallas Cowboys’ Public Enemy No. 1 (STILL)

And here I thought Brett Favre was Dallas’ No. 1 enemy. If you read my previous blog then you know that ex-Newlywed Jessica Simpson is not exactly a welcome addition to Tony Romo’s life as far as Dallas Cowboy football fans are concerned. And now it appears she’s not very popular with Romo’s teammates either… or is she? Yesterday, Dallas’ most outspoken player Terrell Owens provided reporters with his own take on Sunday’s Romo/Simpson debacle. (The Cowboys lost 10-6 to the Philadelphia Eagles and the Pro-Bowler had what was statistically the worst game of his career, all while his buxom … Continue reading

Football Travel Deals

I happen to live amongst the most dedicated football fans in the world. Green Bay, Wisconsin–home to the legendary Green Bay Packers, historic Lambeau Field, and hundreds of thousand of die-hard cheeseheads who claim that they bleed green and gold. And just to our south sits another famous football stadium—-Camp Randall, where I used to spend practically every fall Saturday during my college years cheering on the Wisconsin Badgers. People in Wisconsin take football very seriously. But, I assume so do all the folks that travel here and to other parts of the nation to root on their respective home … Continue reading

Life Imitating Art: My Marriage and Friday Night Lights

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I could relate to an ordeal that Tami Taylor, a character on NBC’s Friday Night Lights, was going through. She and her husband were having a commuter marriage because he had accepted a coaching job in another town. Still in Texas but about two hours away from their home. She stayed behind so that her daughter could stay at her high school with her friends and so that Tami could keep her job. Being apart while a spouse is working elsewhere was something I could definitely relate to. Except in my … Continue reading

You Know It’s Going To Be A Bad Day When…

Your football team is losing on national television and that’s the least of your troubles. I don’t know… maybe it’s because I spent more than a decade in broadcast news and know how easily things can go wrong on live TV that I found this next incident so relatable. You might too… Did you see Sunday night’s game between the New Orleans Saints and Seattle Seahawks on NBC? If you did then you likely noticed the game was delayed for 10-minutes while NBC TV crews scrambled to retrieve a fallen camera from the turf. That’s right; a TV camera mounted … Continue reading

It is fall and that means it is time for football. I grew up in the home of a diehard Cougar football fan. My dad is such a fan that last week he forced himself back to work after recovering from pneumonia so that he could attend the football game without any argument from my mom. While I love BYU football and basketball, it is difficult for me to keep up with it in North Carolina, especially since my husband is not a huge fan. However there is a great site that allows you to keep up with not only … Continue reading

Vick Pleads Guilty: Ready to Stop Hearing About Him?

How do you feel about Michael Vick’s guilty plea? We knew it was coming even before he made it official yesterday. But now he has and I’m sort of relieved. Mainly because his crime won’t go unpunished, but also because the issue has sort of been beat to death. (I’m among those doing the beating, I fully admit!) I suspect some of you aren’t as interested in it all either anymore. (If you ever were. It’s okay if you weren’t, just means this didn’t interest you. Doesn’t make you any less of an animal lover.) I’ve seen passionate comments left … Continue reading

Disturbing Support for Michael Vick

I’ve sort of been out of the loop the last few days. I had family in town and was busy enjoying their company and playing tour guide. Not much time for keeping up with the news. I did hear Michael Vick will plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges involving dogfighting. Which should make us animal lovers feel vindicated, right? His endorsement deals had been suspended or canceled altogether, he’d been banned from attending training camp –heck, his career in the NFL looked shaky altogether. All because us animal lovers spoke up, expressed our outrage and demonstrated we’re a force to … Continue reading

Radio (2003)

Cuba Gooding Jr. turns in one of his best performances ever in the award-winning film “Radio.” Ed Harris plays Coach Jones, the athletic director at a southern high school. While holding football practice every afternoon, he notices a young man go wandering past, pushing a shopping cart. He sometimes stops to watch the practice, but then goes on his way. Coach Jones can tell he’s disabled, but doesn’t know anything about him. One day Jones arrives on the field to find some of his players banging on the storage shed that houses the equipment. When he opens the door, he … Continue reading

Stick to Football, Not Dogfighting, Michael Vick!

Whatever happened to the days when NFL stars shined? These days they make as many plays off the field as on –except instead of scoring touchdowns, they’re involved in stuff like murder (a la OJ Simpson) or running dogfighting rings. “Say what?” you might be asking if you haven’t heard about Michael Vick, a football player for the Atlanta Falcons. He’s under investigation for running a dogfighting ring out of his home. As far as I’m concerned, this is as serious as OJ possibly killing his ex-wife. Why? Because if it’s determined the dogs are fighting dogs, they will be … Continue reading

Super Crazy Super Bowl Stunt

Did you hear the news? The Super Bowl between the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears was seen by 93.2 million people, making it the third most-watched TV broadcast in history. Only the 1982 “M-A-S-H” finale and the 1996 Super Bowl between the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers had more viewers. One of those viewers was a teenager living in Minnesota whose family has a tradition of running around their yard during the big game. Personally, I think it’s a wacky tradition, but not a completely crazy concept… unless of course it is –17 degrees below zero when you’re executing … Continue reading