Forgive, Forgive, Forgive!

I wrote earlier today about how hanging on to hate can waste a lot of time. It dawned on me as I was finishing up, however, that the anecdote to hate is really forgiveness and while we often talk about the importance of forgiveness and letting go, few of us know how drastic forgiveness can be. It has taken me over forty years to learn that forgiveness is NOT giving up or letting others have control over me; it also does not mean that I am forgetting or allowing myself to make the same mistakes over and over again. What … Continue reading

Home Teaching Message: Hidden Wedges

The home teaching lesson for this month, given by President Thomas S. Monson, begins with a story of a wedge that I have loved since I first read it in a manual many years ago. The premise of the story is that a beautiful tree is destroyed in an ice storm by a wedge placed in its branches many years before. President Monson goes on to talk about hidden wedges in our lives. The hidden wedges President Monson addresses are those of hardheartedness. The leaders of the church – and the scriptures – have taught us time and time again … Continue reading

Marriage Fights

For the first part of this and next week, I would like to explore the top four reasons given for divorce in America today. Why should this matter to those of us sealed in the temple, who have no intent of leaving our spouses? First, because the sad truth is that divorces in temple marriages and LDS families are on the rise. Second, because if most couples in America are fighting over the subject, the odds are good that it is a source of contention in LDS homes, as well. Marriage is a wonderful blessing, but it can be awfully … Continue reading

RS/EQ: For Christ’s Sake

In February, we talked about the miracle of forgiveness. One requirement for obtaining forgiveness from God for our sins is that we must forgive those who wrong us. There are times that this can be difficult or challenging; however, it is something we must do. As we begin reading this week’s lesson, we learn about an incident in President Kimball’s life where he sought to defuse a ward-wide fuse. After much counsel, prayer, and study with the two opponents, he read to them from Doctrine & Covenants 64. The verse which most touched them was verse 9, when they learned … Continue reading

Slow to Offense

It was a beautiful Relief Society lesson. Despite being pressed to fill in at the last minute, the teacher had obviously prepared, and spoke from the heart. The Spirit was strong. One sister raised her hand to comment on the underlying message given. A second and third sister shared similar testimonies. I felt sure that the Lord was prompting us as a class to grow together, that this message was one we needed to hear. And then it happened. Another sister went back to the surface issue being discussed. It was as if we were discussing the underlying ramifications of … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Forgiveness

Build a lasting and healthy marriage; means learn to forgive and to seek forgiveness when necessary. It doesn’t mean excusing bad behavior or hurtful words or actions, but it does mean not allowing those things to create a wedge in our relationships. Giving forgiveness is really as much about you as it is about the person in the wrong. It’s not about giving the other person a free pass, it’s about allowing yourself to heal. By forgiving your spouse you can let go of hurt, anger, and even possible thoughts of seeking revenge. Getting back at your spouse really won’t … Continue reading