General Conference: “The Healing Power of Forgiveness”

In his talk “The Healing Power of Forgiveness” President James E Faust spoke about how forgiving others helps to you heals you more completely. President Faust begins his talk by sharing a story of the Amish people. A man went and attacked one of their schools injuring and killing several. The Amish freely forgave him, and even gave some of the money that people sent them to his family. He points out that this forgiveness is an example to all of us. President Faust points out that it can be difficult to forgive people right away. He acknowledges that some … Continue reading

What She Left for Me – Tracie Peterson

This Christian fiction novel is a blazing testament to the importance of forgiveness. However, it’s not an easy read and I offer that upfront. The author herself admits this – she includes a note at the beginning, stating that the book deals with issues of infidelity and abuse, and that she would recommend mothers read it before handing it over to their daughters. I agree with her caution, but that doesn’t keep me from recommending the book. Bad things happen to good people – and we need to know to Whom we can turn for deliverance from it. Eleanor Templeton … Continue reading


Over the past week I have spent a great deal of time cleaning out a closet in my home. In this particular closet I had stored several years of clothes for my children. I spent the time sorting through the boxes, organizing them and giving away the excess I had accumulated. As I finished up the job today, I felt a great deal of satisfaction, and peace because I knew that I had completed a job I have been putting off for over a year. I also though about how much this cleaning was like repentance. As I addressed the … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review July 23-July 26

The hot days of summer have finally arrived here in Texas, but it’s still not broiling us as temperatures remain in the 90s – instead, it’s the humidity that’s suffocating outside. A comedian once described Texas weather by saying if you go look at old Indian writings from a few hundred years ago they’d say: “Darn it’s humid in August” and I can’t imagine he was far wrong. August is just around the corner and we’re going to be looking at getting ready to go back to school and the effect that has on your marriage and your relationships because … Continue reading

Getting Along With Others

Has there ever been a time when you have really struggled to get along with someone? This can be a difficult situation to deal with, especially if this person is a family member or in-law. It can be difficult if you are friends with the same people or if you are thrown together a lot. It is important that we work to overcome these feelings of dislike and negativity. I think that the most important thing we can do is to pray that our feelings towards this person change. We can ask to begin to see this person the way … Continue reading

Marriage in the News: Scandalous Politics

You may have read in the news recently about the Washington D.C. escort service madam that is under indictment for racketeering and prostitution. Her little black book revealed a number of phone numbers to influential businessmen and – politicians. One of those politicians is Senator David Vitter, a first time republican Senator from Metairie, Louisiana. The embattled senator is now facing more scandalous charges as the Times-Picayune newspaper reported that the Vitter allegedly used the services of another prostitute – this time in New Orleans. Vitter doesn’t deny the charges with regard to the escort service that reportedly called his … Continue reading

Forgiveness in the Parent-Child Relationship

When we think of that great, ongoing life lesson with forgiveness, we may think of personal relationships with partners and spouses, friends, and family–but we don’t often think of our relationship with our young children. But, forgiveness IS an ongoing issue in parenting and one more place where we (both parents and children) get to wrestle with this difficult task… The other day, I wrote about trust and how parents and children wrestle with trust issues in the growing up years–but I think that learning how to let go and forgive is such a big thing–and one where many families … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Deathbed Repentance

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood quotes in scripture comes in Luke 23:43. As Jesus hangs on the cross, a thief also hangs to his side, acknowledging that his punishment is just while the Savior has done no wrong. Jesus then answers, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” So many have taken to heart the possibility that a deathbed repentance will lead to eternal glory, but this is not so. According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the aforementioned phrase meant that the Savior and the thief would be in the world of spirits that very day. At … Continue reading

When An Apology Is Not An Apology (2)

Have you ever had an apology from someone who says they are sorry and then proceeds to tell you all the reasons why it wasn’t their fault? And does this qualify as an apology? Most people don’t feel quite satisfied after hearing the words “I’m sorry” followed by a list of excuses proclaiming the person’s innocence. In When An Apology Is Not An Apology (1), we looked at the case of Paul and his sister-in-law, Elise. As a lawyer, Paul had volunteered to find out for Elise the exact nature of the crimes that had occurred during her sexual assault. … Continue reading

Getting Along With Those You Serve

When you are in a calling you may have difficulties getting alone with those that you are working with. Sometimes people just do not click. It may be that you have a completely opposite personality from the person you need to work with. It could be that you have different point of views on issues that you deal with in your calling. Here are five tips to help make the experience a positive one. 1) It is important that you be polite in your dealings with the other person. If you have a differing viewpoint, you can state the difference … Continue reading