Foster Parents

When a child is in the foster care system the foster parent’s role should be pretty straight forward. You open your hearts and homes to children that have been removed from their biological families care. You offer these children a safe place to live in a caring family environment. You care for these children as if they were your own, with the knowledge that this is a temporary place for them to be. Most foster parent’s go into position for all the right reasons, to give an innocent child unconditional love and a safe place to call home. However, there … Continue reading

Would You Use a Trash Bag for Luggage?

How would you feel if when you were moving you had to pack your worldly belongings in a black trash bag? This is a reality for too many kids in foster care. They do not get to keep the toys they played with in the foster home. They don’t get to bring their favorite books. If there were other children in their home they may lose the only friend that have when they change homes. Then the few clothes they do get to bring are way too often loaded in trash bags to bring to their new home. How would … Continue reading

Memories That Linger

One of our adopted children has just recently been exhibiting behavior that we do not usually expect with him. He has been having outbursts of anger at school and at home. We thought about what might be triggering these feelings and sought counsel from an experienced adoption therapist. As background, eighteen months ago, we decided that the public schools were never going to fit for us. We then home schooled him for a year and a half. It went well academically and important bonding took place, particularly between the boys and my wife. We really valued the home school experience, … Continue reading