Day Two as a Family

Well last night was hard I won’t lie, our first night home and I dealt with lice, vomit and my 3 year old Steve crying in his sleep under his toddler bed. It was a rough night but it was our first night as a family so all the negatives were definitely outweighed by the positives. Steve’s head was still crawling I did not know how long it took for the lice treatment to work. I read the box again and waited a little longer. We invited some family members over today and had them come in small groups I … Continue reading

Our First Night Home

Our first night home with our sons was like parenting by fire. Our oldest son Steve had beautiful curly hair and big brown eyes. We noticed that he kept scratching his head and we could not figure out why until we looked. His hair was moving! We never had any experience with lice before this very day and now we were driving to the nearest 24 hour pharmacy and buying lice treatments. There was so many different choices which one should I choose? I bought the one I saw on TV, more proof that advertising works I guess. We brought … Continue reading