No Smell Hotel

How this for a refreshing change—a hotel void of foul odors. Hampton Hotels (they own Hampton Inns and Hampton Inn & Suites) new chain-wide “Non-Scents” program is guaranteeing guests rooms void of stale cigarette smoke, the smell of headache-causing cleaning products, and the putrid aroma of perfume mixed with body odor. The introduction of the “Non-Scents” program follows a month long survey of 1,000 people who almost unanimously responded negatively to distinctively foul odors in hotel rooms. More than 75% of respondents reported that cigarette smoke is the most dreaded smell in a hotel room. What’s more, the survey found … Continue reading

New Disney Fragrances—For Boys

I grew up in a house filled with brothers and it’s no secret that their rooms… and more importantly… their bodies didn’t always smell shower fresh. Obviously, this is not a problem exclusive to my brothers because now Disney is coming out with a way for boys to smell their best. So much for the rancid scents of sweat, mud and grass. Disney is rolling out “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Buzz Lightyear” fragrances targeting boys ages 4 to 11 in Latin communities. According to Disney, the products will sell for about $10 to $20 and will be in stores … Continue reading

Home Scents and Sense (Common and Non)

If guests are coming, the first thing to do after you panic is to air out the house. Nothing is a more pleasant fragrance than fresh air. (Avoid doing this if it is raining hard or snowing, but don’t think about that right now.) The thing about scents is that they need to be subtle in order to do their jobs best. A strong smell may wipe out lesser ones, but the one remaining can be even worse! A big bowl of potpourri on a lower shelf or floor does quiet little wonders. Fragrances like hot air, rises which can … Continue reading