Printing and Framing your Family Tree

A lot of work goes into a finished family tree. There is a lot of time and research that goes into any family tree. Some people spend years completing a family tree. Many people spend months on their project. With a project of this magnitude, it is understandable that many families would want to print and frame their family tree. A beautifully printed family tree that is matted and framed is a great family heirloom. It can be displayed proudly by grandparents in their home and passed down to their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. There are many ways to … Continue reading

Tips for Improving Your Shots

If you are spending more time deleting your photos on your digital camera than you are printing them out perhaps it’s time for a photography refresher course. Look over your most recent shots and figure out what is keeping you… from keeping them. Is it bad composition? Poor lighting? Or is your photo subject possessed with the dreaded red-eye? In most cases a bad shot can turn into a keeper by following a few simple pointers: COMPOSITION Remember the “Rule of Thirds.” It’s one of the most important lessons in photography, which requires you to imagine a tic-tac-toe grid over … Continue reading

Framing Your Favorite Photos: One Mat or Two

Ah, the good ol’ single versus double mat dilemma. This is another quandary I often face when it comes to framing my prize-winning shots. Again, this one comes down to personal preference. However, there are a few tips you should keep in mind before settling on one mat or two: Single Mat. If you decide your photo will look fine with a single mat, you might want to stick with a neutral color. This, of course, doesn’t mean your options are dramatically limited. Neutrals can range from ecru to off white to eggshell to Olde Gray. Bottom line: Any neutral … Continue reading

Photography Lessons: The Rule of Thirds

I’ve touched on the topic of composition in previous blogs, but I’ve never gone in depth about the “Rule of Thirds.” It was one of the first lessons I learned during my college photography class and one that I have continued to apply to improve my shots over the years. The act of composing a shot boils down to focusing your attention on the subject and its surroundings in the viewfinder. Basically, you want to pay attention to how you set up your shot before snapping your picture. If you are shooting with a digital camera you have the advantage … Continue reading

Natural Framing

I’ve touched on how to use natural lighting to enhance your photos, but what about natural framing. No, I’m not referring to the way your older son’s arms perfectly frame his younger brother’s head while he has him in his daily choke hold (don’t tell me that only happened with my brothers). I’m talking about taking a moment to examine elements that can be used to create a natural frame–be it tree branches, a pillar, or a wall. Take a look around before you snap a shot of your subject (regardless of if you are indoors or out). The number … Continue reading

Wall Art For The Frugal Minded (2)

Continuing our creative discussion of wall art for the frugal minded, I have several more great ideas. Creating wall art is easy and saves a lot of money off store purchased items. Frame the item yourself and you’ve saved even more. Here are a few more great ideas to get you working on personalizing your home even further. Collage Art Cut photos and patterns out of papers, calendars and greeting cards collaging them together in a slightly shabby chic way. Cut the entire print to the size of the frame you want, and you have a piece of wall art … Continue reading

Wall Art For The Frugal Minded (1)

Browse the aisles at any store selling framed art and you’re liable to have a heart attack on the spot. Some pieces can be terribly costly, while other’s only a fraction, but still expensive. Sure, you can purchase the pictures or paintings without framing and save quite a bit of money doing it yourself, but there is an even easier and more frugal way to get some beautiful wall art and not break the bank doing it. Found Pictures Calendars, greeting cards, magazine photographs and other types of pictures can be framed and added to your walls for creative interest … Continue reading