The Smelly Home Conspiracy

There is a huge market out there for home fragrance products, all of them vying for your hard earned money. The advertisements seems to tell you that if you don’t buy all of this stuff, your home will smell and you won’t have any friends. If your child’s room doesn’t smell like the scent of pineapple or a summer breeze, then you must be a bad parent. And only dirty housekeepers don’t have a home that smells like a fresh lemon or a spring day. Out of the good of their hearts, they will even give their little machines away, … Continue reading

Make Your Car Smell Nice and Save Money

Want a really frugal way to make your car smell wonderful? Here is a simply trick that will save you money over those commercial car fresheners. Sometimes odor in your car just can’t be avoided. Maybe you brought home some chinese take out, or perhaps that awful smell led back to a long-forgotten milk sippy cup. Whichever the case, you might be tempted to go out and buy one of those commercial car fragrances. Yes, they still come in kitschy pine cone trees, as well as drops and sprays. But there is a better more frugal way to make your … Continue reading