Does E-mail Eat up Your Work Day?

A few months ago, I was in a meeting with an elder-law attorney in private practice who had only recently given into e-mail. He wasn’t much older than me, but he had resisted as long as he possibly could giving in to the e-mail demon. We had a nice chat about what the role of e-mail is in the business world. We both had rather different opinions… I maintained that I get much more done via e-mail than I did ten years ago. I said that all that time I used to waste on the telephone, leaving messages, typing out … Continue reading

Home Business: Freelance Writing Tips

Starting a home business as a freelance writer can be very rewarding. You don’t really have much overhead, and you can work as an independent contractor in most cases. There are however, challenges that you should be aware of, including rejections. Rejections are nothing to get upset over; even best selling authors have endured their share. It can be very frustrating, but you have to avoid taking rejection personally. It may not have anything to do with the quality of your writing; it may simply be the fact that the publication to which you submitted cannot currently use your work. … Continue reading