Fresh Starts for 2007

Now that the year 2007 is here, why not consider it to be modivation for a fresh new start in your life? Regardless of where you are in your Christian walk–even if you have never even taken that first step, a new year is here and it’s an opportunity for change and growth. The number seven throughout the Bible seems to represent completion. While researching Bible passages that contained “seven” in them, I found well over 500! Here are only some of many examples: The seventh day (the Sabbath) was blessed and sanctified by God. (Genesis 2:3) Seven of every … Continue reading

A New Year of Marriage

Tomorrow, the New Year begins, which gives each of us a fresh start not only in general but also in our marriages. Is there anything you’d like to change or do differently? Do you and your spouse have special goals you hope to meet this year? Are you looking forward to a fresh start? I hope every resolution includes the wish to be more loving and more lovable to our spouses. I want to take this opportunity to show my husband how important and special he is to me, each and every day, not just on special occasions. I want … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again where we make promises we often don’t keep in effort to improve ourselves (or others) in one way or another. Every year I think about what I’m going to challenge myself to accomplish. Some people decide to join a workout or weight loss program and others think about getting their finances in order. I know there are many who plan to read the whole Bible in a year as well. There are countless things to commit to doing or changing. This year I really hope will be different for most. I think the best … Continue reading