Friday Fitness Funnies: Things You Don’t Want to Hear

It’s Friday and I have been having discussions lately with moms who work out at fitness clubs, moms who work out chasing their kids and still other moms who work out at home or through regular walking and running through the neighborhood. While all of these moms have different ways of achieving their fitness goals and likely even have different fitness goals, they are united in some ways. When it comes to fitness and exercising, there a lot of things we don’t want to hear. Some of those things include: You need to really sweat You need to work harder … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies – Coffee or Tea?

I am definitely one of those people who needs the shirt that says: Instant Person – Just Add Coffee. It’s not the caffeine so much as it is my morning ritual of having coffee. Oddly, that only began in the last decade or so. Prior to that I was a tea drinker having grown up in a British household. Since I started my way towards not smoking, I have been falling back on that tea habit because it takes more time to make the tea than it does to start the pot of coffee and there is the waiting for … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Stopping Smoking

You had to know this is where my focus would be this week and for me, writing about these things, poking fun at them, sharing the torment and the pride and the success – they are all positive ways for me to channel trying to defeat this addiction. I’ve been winning the battles, but I’m not ready to declare the war won yet. So for now, here are some Friday Fitness Funnies that focus on smoking and stopping smoking. Quotes on Smoking For thy sake, Tobacco, I would do anything but die. — Charles Lamb, 1775-1834 I have every sympathy … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Fun Quotes

I like to find some new, inspiring nugget to live by every day. I enjoy my calendars that are filled with little pearls of wisdom and quotes. In that vein, here are a few tips to inspire your personal fitness and to keep working on your exercise program. I hope they help. “Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied.” – Charles Caleb Colton “No rest is worth anything except the rest that is earned.” -Jean Paul “Old people have fewer diseases than the young, but their diseases never leave … Continue reading