Let Kids Friendships Develop Naturally

As adults we tend to forget how important making friends can be to our kids. Tyler has been worried the past few weeks that he won’t make friends when we return to New Orleans. He’s especially concerned about being the “new kid” in the class. School starts after Labor Day but there’s a chance we may not return until school is in session because my house is not quite ready. The plan is to homeschool him until we return. I have assured him that he will make friends. He has the kind of personality that draws kids to him. Just … Continue reading

Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

It’s no wonder to anyone who has seen “Driving Miss Daisy” that it received four Oscars. The script is wonderful, the acting impeccable, and the story, sweet and touching. Jessica Tandy stars as Miss Daisy Werthan, a widow who is determined to be as self-reliant as possible. She’s getting up there in years, but refuses to admit that she needs any help. While preparing to go to town one morning, she mistakes the accelerator for the brake and drives her car backwards up and over a hedge, landing in the neighbor’s yard. This inspires her son Booley (Dan Ackroyd) to … Continue reading

The Quilter’s Legacy — Jennifer Chiaverini

Sylvia Compson, owner of Elm Creek Manor and operator of the Elm Creek Quilt Camp, has finally accepted Andrew’s offer of marriage. He’s been courting her off and on for years, proposed three times to be refused three times, but he’s never given up. Now his persistence is finally being rewarded and he couldn’t be more delighted. Sylvia, however, is starting to wonder what she’s gotten herself into. The other ladies from Elm Creek are leaving bridal magazines on her desk, looking at wedding cakes, sharing their opinions about dresses and flowers, and basically having the time of their lives, … Continue reading

Bet Your Bottom Dollar – Karin Gillespie

In “Bet Your Bottom Dollar,” Elizabeth Polk has just come off a bad engagement. Thinking that her high-school sweetheart, Clip, is the love of her life, she blissfully agrees when he proposes, only to be shattered a short time later when he leaves her a note under her windshield wiper, written on a bag from a fast food restaurant, calling the whole thing off. The next thing she knows, he’s hanging around with one of the fastest women in town. Work is the constant in Elizabeth’s life, and she throws herself into it like never before. She’s the store manager … Continue reading

Thale’s Folly – Dorothy Gilman

Dorothy Gilman is most famous for the “Mrs. Polifax” series, but the stand-alone novel “Thale’s Folly” is equally as enjoyable, although it’s a story rather than a mystery. Andrew Oliver Thale is a young man of twenty-six who survived a terrifying plane crash, coming out with a number of broken bones and post-traumatic stress disorder. Once a budding novelist with two books under his belt, he has lost his ability to write fiction and has taken a job writing newsletters for the company where his father holds a place as vice-president. He can’t sleep without having nightmares about the crash, … Continue reading

Bear’s All-Night Party – Bill Harley

The moon was full and shone so brightly, Bear couldn’t sleep. He wanted to have a party, and dance and eat food, and he wanted to invite all his friends. The next morning, he told his brother all about his idea. His brother thought it was silly, but that didn’t stop Bear! He made invitations and delivered them, and even wrote a little song to sing to his friends about the fun they would have. Everyone told him it wouldn’t work. The coyote and the moose seemed especially discouraging, but that didn’t stop Bear! He kept right on delivering his … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Watch With Me

As I studied the scene of Christ in Gethsemane, I was touched in each version by His plea to the disciples to stay with him. “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death,” He said. “Tarry ye here, and watch with me” (Matthew 26:38). In the midst of His trials, the Savior desired the companionship of those He loved to walk with Him. When we study the atonement, we often admire how Jesus took all of our sins upon Him. Only He could do it; only He could carry such a load. And yet, although He was divine while His … Continue reading

Scrapbookers Unite For Great Causes

Surrounding the expensive and costly negative outlook, that some people have of scrapbooking, is the much more joyous, memorable accounts of how scrapbooking changes peoples lives for the better. It seems that suddenly, scrapbooking has taken on a whole new dimension. There seems to be an outpouring of charity, as several memory preservers, strive to teach, help and offer support to those that might not otherwise receive it. At charity auctions, I am seeing scrapbooking supplies as items up for bid. At school events, I am seeing requests for scrapbooking supply donations to help make cards, letters and pages for … Continue reading

Networking With Other Scrapbooking Friends

Networking with others is an important and essential task for most scrapbookers. Networking or sharing time with others who share a hobby or passion with you, can often inspire and drive you to create. A few things that any scrapbooker needs. Along with chocolate, of course. Why is networking important? Sharing your layouts, ideas, creativity and love for the hobby with others, can leave you feeling refreshed, invigorated and essentially inspired to create new layouts. It can allow you to bounce ideas off each other, get reviews for certain products, find new and innovative ways to use everyday items, and … Continue reading

Babe (1995)

Reviewing “Charlotte’s Web” the other day put me in mind of another favorite movie about a pig. Like “Charlotte’s Web,” “Babe” is about a cute little piglet who goes to live on a farm, unaware that he will be on the menu before long. Another similarity between the two films is the way the other animals help the pig accomplish an amazing feat that keeps them from being eaten. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. Babe, the runt of his litter, is offered as a prize at the fair. If you can guess how much he weighs, you … Continue reading