Oh Snap! Cold Snap that is…

We were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for having begun our gardening on time this year, since we usually get a bit of a late state. The end of March is supposed to be the optimum time to start planting in our area, according to most sources. We tilled, fertilized, tilled some more, smoothed, made rows, planted, watered, fenced, and then some. It was exhausting, but it was a good kind of tired and my husband and I were feeling quite productive. We also started a bunch of plants in containers with seeds that we had on hand and they … Continue reading

Gardening Tips: Asparagus and More

I mentioned previously that growing asparagus requires more time and effort than many other plantings. I just learned this from the helpful folks at the ranch and farm supply center. You don’t just plant asparagus and then start picking the delicious, healthy, green vegetables soon thereafter. It actually requires over a year to get them going and about three years before you’ll have anything to pick. You begin as you would with other starter plants, but the seeds will become “crowns.” These crowns must be nurtured for about a year before they can be transplanted into the ground. Once transplanted, … Continue reading