How to Save Money on Your Wedding

Despite the economy, you still want a fabulous wedding, right? Well, with a few ideas, you can have a great wedding without settling for a backyard barbecue while wearing jeans and a veil (unless that is your dream wedding–then go for it!). Decide what is most important The best way to start with saving money on your wedding is to decide what means the most to you. This way, you’ll know where to concentrate your energy. Have your dreamt of a fabulous designer dress? Is the quality of the photography most important? How about the food or the bar? There … Continue reading

“Budget Weddings” from the Tightwad Gazette

The book The Tightwad Gazette, by Amy Dacyzyn, explains some helpful tips to cutting costs for a wedding. And hey, what a concept! Get married without spending a fortune and getting into big debt! It really can be done….Here are some of my favorite tips: * In good weather, have a wedding reception outside at someone’s home. Having a wedding reception outside also encourages some thrifty alternatives such as paper plates and plastic ware. * Check classified ads for women selling their wedding dresses, which have only been worn once (or perhaps not at all.) Bridal shops also will sell … Continue reading