Eleven Citrus Fruits (and Why You Should Love Them!)

Don’t just limit yourself to oranges when it comes to citrus fruits. There’s a whole world of citrus fruits out there! Citrus fruits are in season through the beginning of spring — so go get your citrus boost now! Citrus fruits aren’t just conveyors of immune-boosting vitamin C. They also come with a ton of other health benefits. And speaking of vitamin C — remember that your body doesn’t store this vitamin. You need to eat it every day to replenish your stores. Blood oranges: the bright red flesh that gives this fruit its name also gives this fruit healthy, … Continue reading

Don’t Forget the Peel!

When you’re snacking on fruits and vegetables, don’t forget to eat the peel! In many fruits and vegetables, the peel is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fiber. Don’t forget to eat the peel when you’re having an apple or a potato. You might not think of the peel, however, when you’re eating an orange or slicing a lemon for your iced tea. But the peels of citrus fruits are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and some amazing compounds. A compound called salvestrol Q40 can kill enzymes that encourage the growth of human cancer cells. A compound called … Continue reading

Easy Apple Recipes

Is your home overflowing with apples? Ours is. If you read about our recent adventures at the U-Pick apple orchard you understand why. Fall is prime apple picking season and even if you don’t venture out to a farm and pluck the ripe red fruit yourself, you should seriously consider infusing your diet with the healthy fruit. Not only do apples offer a host of essential vitamins and minerals, studies show eating fresh apples before a meal aids weight loss by filling you up and reducing the absorption of calories and excess cholesterol. With that in mind I’ve compiled a … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! – The Fruit Diet

I have recovered from the Great Potato Salad Debacle of 2007 and am now at 260.2 pounds. It was so not worth eating the potato salad to wander around in 264+ land for two weeks, and I have learned my lesson. I’ve also been off chocolate for over four weeks now. Yeah me! Now, a little while ago I mentioned a fruit diet that gave me a boost in the right direction. I’d like to share a little more of that with you today. I found it in Woman’s World magazine, the July 24th, 2007 edition, page 18. The magazine … Continue reading

How to Choose Cherries

Summer is a great time to pick up some cherries. They are definitely in season right now. But how can you choose the best fruit? Read this article to find out the three different types of cherries and what to look for when buying them. At my house right now, barely a day goes by without some little mouth covered with the pink juice stains of ripe cherries. I think I’ve probably spent hours cutting them up and removing the pits. There are three types of cherries, and they aren’t all best used for the same purposes. The cherries that … Continue reading

Deliciously Refreshing Watermelon Cake

Yep–you read that right. Here is a recipe for watermelon cake with actual seedless watermelon in it. I thought this would be a great crowd pleaser for the kids but I have to admit my kids were not so into it. It is a little unusual and is better suited towards an adult gathering where the adults have more sophisticated taste buds. It is still delicious. . .but just different then what you’d normally expect out of a cake. This is a great dessert for an outdoor grilled meal or for a spring themed party. For the cake you will … Continue reading

The Garden of all Gardens

This is it. This is going to be our best and biggest garden yet. It’s huge! It is at least twice the size of the biggest garden we’ve had so far. My husband and I have been working hard for the past several days and we’re not done yet. We do have a good start though, nice and early, so our plantings can take advantage of those soon to be upon us April showers. So, what are we going to have in our garden this year? Well, there is plenty to tell you about! We started off with three kinds … Continue reading

Losing Weight Means Finding Out What Works For You

Have you heard the weight loss story of Roger Troy Wilson, the author of the book Let’s Do Lunch? He went from 425 pounds and a 60 inch waist to 195 pounds and a 36 inch waist after devising his own weight loss plan. He claims that he developed his weight loss regimen through trial and error. He makes four suggestions to help you get started. 1. Eat enough fruit each day to curb your cravings for sweets. 2. Lunch should be your main meal and it should be protein packed. 3. Succumb to cravings, if you must, but choose … Continue reading

Choose Fruit for Healthy Kid or Adult Snacks

If you have kids, then I’m sure you’ve heard, “I’m hungry” quite a few times, right? I don’t know about you, but I often forget that snack time is coming up, and, of course, my child has not forgotten about it. I usually give her a few choices for her snack, and she’ll usually choose the same ol’ thing, goldfish crackers and raisins. While raisins are a great snack choice and very healthy for her to eat, the goldfish crackers are not so much, and I really should find a healthier alternative to them, for instance whole wheat or whole … Continue reading

Mango—Popular In Many Cultures

I grew up in Hawaii where mangoes are so plentiful you could be standing at a bus stop and actually reach up and grab a few to take on your ride. Mango is a fruit that is not only popular in Hawaii, but also in Mexico, the Caribbean, Africa, South-East Asia, Australia, and right here in the continental U.S. (especially in Florida, New Mexico and California). We could all benefit from a little multicultural thinking, so here are some mango recipes that are culled from different regions around the world. The recipes are simple and… simply delicious. Salad of the … Continue reading