Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Evolution of a Scrapbooker

Scrapbookers are a rare-breed. And watching scrapbooking evolve over the past 11 years since I’ve been scrapbooking has been quite interesting. I’ve developed my own style, my own way of doing things and a greater sense of who I am through my journaling. It started out in a basic way, took me through many advanced techniques and steps and landed me back where I am today. Which is actually a rather simple, clean scrapbooker. I’ve had this cute evolution piece on my bulletin board for a few years. I used to share it with my classes to help break the … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: Great Scrapbooking Poems

Happy Weekend! I’m so happy it’s finally here. I love it when I get to spend the weekend with my kids, my boyfriend and his kids, doing whatever we want and there are no time constraints, schedules or what-not to keep us busy. This weekend is one of those for us; a nice relaxing, but fun weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too – I encourage you to make some memories, take some pictures and get some scrapbooking done! And for the Friday Scrapbook Funnies I decided to include some cute poems I’ve been saving that are … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: I saw it on a t-shirt!

It’s once again Friday, and what a long week it’s been. I caught up on a few pages I had wanted to get done. Now I just need to get some journaling printed so I can add it to the rest of the pages and get them in those albums. While I’d love to get that done this weekend, I’m sure I won’t since I am taking a 48 hour road-trip to pick up my children. I guess I really should be packing and not laughing at these little bits of humor. I really need to get the camera and … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: Addicted to Scrapbooking

As a slightly obsessed scrapbooker, I have collected funny scrapbooking stories, jokes and anecdotes to share with my classes when I teach. I find myself going back and reading them more and more, and getting a chuckle out of them each time. As an active member on several scrapbooking community message boards, I have collected a very large list of reason’s why people are addicted to scrapbooking. I thought I’d end today and this week with a list to make you giggle. I will be posting more each week on Friday to end the week with a laugh. Afterall, laughter … Continue reading