To Fur or Not to Fur – Kanye West

The other day, I blogged about Olympian Johnny Weir, his love of fur, and PETA’s outcry against it. But, Johnny is not the only one in trouble with PETA for fur. Earlier this year, PETA announced its yearly Worst Dressed Celebrities list. Now this list has less to do with fashion and more to do with use of real fur in clothing. Topping the list was Madonna. She was quickly followed by the Olsen Twins, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Kanye West. Rounding out the list was Elizabeth Hurley. While I am sure Johnny will make next year’s list, the only male … Continue reading

Strays: Wings Beneath Their Fur

Do you know what I truly believe about strays and shelter animals? Especially ones that pick their people out like Aimee’s Miko did with her, Murph did with me and Wayne, and Rocky did with my friend Kim. Or how they wind up in our paths like Tabby did with me and Cujo did with my friends Christy and Christian. I don’t believe any of this is coincidence. I believe Divine Intervention was at work. These animals were guided into our lives by a higher power. If you look closely enough, you’ll see what I mean. There are wings beneath … Continue reading

PETA’s Worst Dressed List

If nothing else, PETA is definitely outspoken about fur wearing celebrities of which they disapprove. They released their worst dressed list recently and it is topped by the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. PETA released their list, saying the following about Aretha: “How ’bout some R-E-S-P-E-C-T for animals? Aretha, when you waddled into the Grammys in yet another vulgar fur, you looked as if you were going to perform ‘I Am the Walrus’ by the Beatles. You might be a queen, but you don’t know jack about compassion.” Oh, did they use the term “waddled?” That is hitting a bit … Continue reading

Another Shedding Season is Upon Us!

Although domestication has changed many automatic behaviors in pets, it hasn’t quite gotten rid of the hair problem. Spring and fall, many pet owners find themselves wading through a river of fur as old coats call out and new ones grow in. My parents joke that their long-haired chow mix Becca leaves tumbleweeds of shedded hair in the hallways. Shedding can be a much bigger hassle with a pet with long hair! But it’s no picnic with short haired dogs like Moose and Lally, either. Moose tends to shed all year… at least a little. It gets more noticeable in … Continue reading

Celebrity Fashion Faux Pas

She has been named to several Best-Dressed lists, but this time actress Cameron Diaz has committed a major fashion faux pas (at least in the eyes of Peruvians). The actress was recently photographed carrying an olive green messenger bag emblazoned with a red star and the words “Serve the People” printed in Chinese on the flap while she was touring landmarks in Peru. For those of you who aren’t well versed in Peruvian history the saying printed on the actress’s bag was perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao’s most famous political slogan. And it was the Peruvians who suffered decades of … Continue reading