Affordable Warmth

Those chilly evenings can tempt homeowners to turn up the thermostat just a skosh. Yet, the difference between just a few degrees can mean a much heftier heating bill. If you don’t have natural gas heat, refilling the propane tank sooner may be the result(which translates into a higher bill as well). Heating the entire home via electricity can also be expensive. There are some things you can do instead. Try adding an extra layer of warm clothing (hoodie, robe, slippers, etc). Grab a blanket or even an electric throw. There are also some nice options in blanket wraps. They … Continue reading

Top Five Tips for Winterizing Your Home

While temperatures are still on the mild side in many areas, it’s already getting cold in some places. Besides, even if it is still warm in your region, it probably won’t be too long before the cold winds begin to blow. Now is a very good time to start winterizing your home, before old man winter arrives, and these tips will help: 1. It may seem to go without saying, but unfortunately, many people forget to install storm doors and windows before cold weather reaches their destination. Once frigid temperatures hit, it is much harder to get motivated enough to … Continue reading

Getting Your Home Ready For Winter—Part 1: The Furnace

Happy Autumn! My greeting is a bit belated (the first “official” day of fall was Saturday), but this is the first full weekend of fall, so better late than never–welcome to fall. I mentioned that the first “official” day of the season was Saturday, but here in Wisconsin some may argue that autumn has been well under way for a while now. For the past few days the temperatures have been in the 50s and 60s and there have been multiple nights where the National Weather Service has issued freeze and frost advisories as temperatures plummeted in the 30s. Needless … Continue reading