Arthur’s Really Helpful Bedtime Stories

I’m not sure how helpful Arthur’s Really Helpful Bedtime Stories are, but I do know that our copy is well worn. Marc Brown’s twists on familiar fairy tales kept my children amused and asking for more. The book contains ten familiar fairy tales but told with characters from the world of Arthur. Not only do the characters like D.W. take the place of the fairytale characters like Little Red Riding Hood, but they maintain their own personalities as well. So we have D.W. being stubborn and saving Grandma Thora from the wolf. In “The Three Little Pigs” Binky sides with … Continue reading

Apples to Apples – Game Review

Last night our family played Apples to Apples. We laughed harder than we have in a long time. It only takes a few minutes to learn how to play, is a fast moving game, and it is great for multiple ages. The game comes with red apple cards and green apple cards, no dice, no board, no other pieces. Players take turns being the judge. The judge puts down a green card. Green cards have descriptive words like cowardly, refreshing, dainty, frazzled and heartless. The other players each choose a red card. These red cards each have the name of … Continue reading