Striiv Brings Gaming and Fitness Together

There is a new device that is said to take what Wii Fit does in your home, and turn into something motivating and useful when you are outside the home. It is called Striiv, a portable device that can measure your movements and provide you with rewards based on your level of activity. The cost will be $99. Similar to a pedometer, it can track your steps. But you can also set goals and play games with friends. It is taking the world of gaming (including social gaming) to a whole different level. The hope is to reach those who … Continue reading

The Wii – a Lot More Than Just Games

During one of the Christmas specials we taped this year we saw a commercial for Shrek the Halls. Being Shrek fans, my family was disappointed when we found out we had missed it. My husband suggested that maybe someone had put the show up on YouTube and that we could watch it on the computer. We talked about how cool it was that you could watch missed TV shows online. My oldest son had an even better idea. He turned on the Wii and went to the Wii internet channel. A few minutes later he found Shrek the Halls divided … Continue reading

Teens and Gaming: Is It BAD for Them?

Last night on the TV show “Boston Legal,” one of the storylines involved a single mother who sued a video game manufacturer because her teenage son died while playing one of their games. Apparently the boy played it to the exclusion of things like eating, drinking and sleeping and died of a heart attack. The mother’s attorney claimed that the game was purposely designed by the manufacturer to be addictive. Unfortunately for her, her attorney wasn’t one of the partners at the “Boston Legal” firm of Crane, Poole and Schmidt. That attorney convinced the jury that it was wrong to … Continue reading