Does “E” Really Mean Your Car is Empty?

With the price of gas hovering dangerously close to $4 a gallon around here I am tempted to see how just how much farther my car could go once the needle on the fuel gauge hits “E.” Of course, any car expert would give you a laundry list of reasons why this is not a good idea. Still, I must admit there were a number of times in college when I pushed my poor car to its limit and rolled into gas stations on fumes. Which begs the question: Just how far can you drive once you hit “E?” I … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: “OUCH!”

Talk about feeling the pain at the pump… Well, not quite the gas pump, but the gas tank. That’s where an Alabama driver recently got his finger caught when he was trying to clear gunk from the opening of his gas tank. According to police reports, Dwight Clark says he was innocently trying to clean his truck’s gas tank when his finger went in past the knuckle and got lodged in the tank. According to rescue personnel, people had sprayed WD40 all over his hand, but that didn’t work. Now, here’s the part that gets me—Clark reportedly didn’t want rescue … Continue reading