Marriage Debates: California Gay Marriage Ban to Be Appealed

It’s not surprising, after the votes last week it was only a matter of time before the laws would be challenged in state courts. Advocates in California have asked the California Supreme Court to consider their legal challenge on the California Gay Marriage Ban. The briefs filed with the court argue that banning gay couples from marrying violates the California constitution and they are requesting the justices address this immediately. The appeals court in California upheld the law last month that restricts marriage to a union between a man and woman and offered the response that it is up to … Continue reading

Marriage Debates: Election Round-Up

You knew I’d have something to say here. Yesterday’s election and votes on various measures was considered controversial going in and didn’t fail to deliver as voters made themselves heard on a variety of issues. Three key votes in three different states that I was watching. The first in South Dakota was the ban on virtually all abortions. It was defeated. In Missouri, it was the measure backing stem cell research. It passed. Finally, the voters in Arizona rejected the amendment banning gay marriage. Yes, it looks like the other states might be close to passing those measures, but I’ve … Continue reading