Who was Harvey Milk?

This holiday season, you will probably hear about a new film titled Milk, which stars Sean Penn. He’s been nominated for a Golden Globe and there is already Oscar buzz about his performance, but you may wonder who Harvey Milk was. Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in California. He had been born in New York, but moved to San Francisco when he was 42. He finally settled in the Castro District, eventually dubbing himself the “Mayor of Castro Street.” Milk was brash, outspoken, animated, and most of all, proud of his sexual orientation. … Continue reading

Sharing One View on Homosexual Marriage

I have heard people say that homosexual marriage is not hurting anyone, and that those who are gay deserve to be happy having the same rights as heterosexual couples have. I have been very reluctant to write about this because it is such a heated topic. I would just like to share my thoughts on homosexual marriage and why I believe the acceptance of it to be part of the subtle decay of morality which was foretold in the Bible. I do not support gay marriage, the marriage of more than 2 people, marriage to animals, adults marrying children, or … Continue reading