The Dreaded “Letter of Compliance”

Or Why All Homeschoolers Need to Be Involved in Advocacy People who know me, can attest to the fact that I am meticulous about my paperwork. It is never late or early–always on time. It has exactly the information I need, but nothing more. Everyone who knows me knows that if they have a question about homeschooling law in New York State, I’m the gal to go to. I have read and re-read my stuff and you know what? At the risk of sounding a little overly confident, I know what I’m doing. You can assume, therefore, that I am … Continue reading

Stifling Your Baby Boy’s Feelings

Does someone in your family tell you not to let your baby boy play with dolls? Do they tell you to be tough on him because you don’t want him to be a crybaby? Do they frown when he says he likes to dance or play dress up? Do they worry that he will be a girly girl? Despite generations of being harsh on boys and squashing their sensitivity flat, you should remember that your son has emotions and is equally entitled to them as girls. They should be allowed to express whether they are sad, they are angry, they … Continue reading