Gender Neutral Parenting is an Option

Gender neutral parenting is an option for parents who want to give their child the opportunity to determine who they are – without being boxed into gender stereotypes. It may also be called gender creative parenting or non-gendered parenting or gender-open parenting. There are parents who want to know the gender of their baby as quickly as possible. Is the baby a boy, or a girl? The answer influences the name the parents choose for the child, and often, their expectations of how the child will be. Parents may expect Brian to be loud, active, and interested in playing with … Continue reading

Ways to Practice Gender Neutral Parenting

Many of us grew up with the idea that certain toys and activities were only for one gender of child. There were toys for girls, and toys for boys, and our parents may have steered us towards one or the other. Today, things are very different. Now is a good time to practice gender neutral parenting. When I was a little kid, I was taught that girls were supposed to play with dolls and enjoy kitchen sets and playing dress up. The boys in my kindergarten were taught that boys were supposed to play with trucks and blocks. Today, things … Continue reading