Past and Future Collide

I’ve written before about not remembering my childhood with any sort of accuracy. I’ve forgotten major vacations completely only to be reminded by a photograph that I actually did see Mount Rushmore in person during a vacation over my birthday. While this sort of memory loss is tragic and embarrassing I’ve come up with an at hand rationale for my inability to remember: I had to make room for Grad School. All joking aside, photographs have reminded me of some of the most interesting/wonderful/joyous forgotten moments of my life. Oftentimes those pictures are my primary link to things I’ve forgotten. … Continue reading

’tis Himself

I was recently telling my mother about how much my son looks like himself each day. At first this is strange but hear me out. When my son was born he looked like a baby and he’s been looking like a baby for most of the time I’ve known him. He’s cute like a baby and my wife and I (and our families) attempt to discover features that look like us. He has my wife’s eyes, my hairline, an unconfirmed nose (perhaps a great uncle?) and someone else’s cheekbones. While it is great to see where his genetic inheritance may … Continue reading

Dealing With Different Generations

It is a rare situation in our home businesses where we are only interacting with people who are of a specific generation. While some industries seem to cater to a specific demographic or generation, we most often find ourselves dealing with individuals who might be senior citizens, or young parents or even teenagers. This can be one of the challenges of operating a home-business—learning how to interact and work with a variety of people of different ages. Recently, I read an article in my local newspaper about the various work ethic realities of different generations in the United States—specifically how … Continue reading

Grandparents & Baby

Reverend Crutchfield commented on Daddy Time about the grandfather time that he enjoys with his grandchild and he made a great point. Grandparents are vital in your baby’s development and what’s more – the enjoyment is shared equally on both sides of the fence. When our daughter was a baby, we lived in Virginia – thousands of miles from grandparents on all sides of the family. My hat is off to the three grandmothers that made their pilgrimages out to visit us so regularly that our daughter knew them all on sight and even developed special pet names for them. … Continue reading