Celebrating National Marriage Week

Did you know that it’s National Marriage Week? It goes from February 7th through the 14th, Valentine’s Day. I love the fact that we have an entire week to recognize and celebrate something so very important. So what is the point to National Marriage Week? It is to build a stronger marriage culture since it has been found that healthy marriages can reduce the risk of poverty and benefit children in a number of ways. It is also a way to encourage married people to do what they can to strengthen their marriages and thereby, reducing the rate of divorce. … Continue reading

The Three R’s of Marriage

You are probably familiar with the “Three R’s” of education: Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. Well I have come up with the “Three R’s” of marriage: Respond, React and Retreat. The only difference is that with my three R’s, there is just one that works well in a marriage. Can you guess which one? I don’t know if anyone else can relate but I tend to be a reactor. I have been working on this for several years and while I have gotten a lot better, it can still be an issue that creeps up. Sometimes when people react it is … Continue reading

Maintain Family Traditions

Family traditions are important but many times when children hit their teenage years, they are sometimes stopped. I think there are two main reasons for this. One being that parents assume the teens are “too old” for those activities. Another reason being that our teens don’t act interested or they even come right out and say they aren’t interested, so we just go with it. First of all you can never be too old for family traditions. These are special activities that are unique to your family. They give teens a sense of security and our children need that no … Continue reading

Weathering the Seasons of Marriage

We go through different seasons in our marriages. Some of them are pretty enjoyable, like the carefree days of summer or the excitement of new things in the spring. But then we also go through seasons where it gets a little more challenging. Here in Wisconsin fall can sometimes feel more like winter and then the snowstorms come and well, it’s kind of bleak and barren. Those are the most difficult times in a marriage. I really, really dislike the unpleasant seasons of marriage. They seem so long; once again I have to compare it to the winters we experience … Continue reading

Should Everyone in Your Family Do Chores?

One of the age-old questions for many families is concerning chores and children, to pay or not to pay? Actually, some families still aren’t sure how to handle the whole chore thing. Should children do chores? How much is too much? Should the entire family divide up the household chores? If you have children, taking care of a home could almost be a full-time job. The more children you have, the more responsibilities you have. Being a wife, mom of three children and a full-time writer I have my share of responsibilities. However what I refuse to do is attempt … Continue reading

The Ten Most Common German Surnames

One of my grandmothers had the last name of Steinberg before she got married. Her last name didn’t even make the list of the top fifty most common German surnames. She spoke a little German, and I remember to this day several of the phrases she often used. In other words, even if your surname is not one of the top ten most common German surnames, you might still have some German heritage. All surnames have their own, specific, meanings behind the name. Sometimes, surnames refer to the way a person looks. Others are patronymic, which means they derive from … Continue reading

The Great Household Debate

Okay, here is one of the top debates in many households. Huge arguments have been fought over this one. Whole factions of people have taken sides one way or another. This issue can pit brother against brother and father against son. Some families have learned to adapt, with one person getting his way and the others paying huge therapy bills. Some lucky families see things the same way and grow stronger. Others fall. What is this great household debate? Ready for it? The debate concerns a personal issue: which way to hang the toilet paper (or bathroom tissue in polite … Continue reading

Tips If You Don’t Get Along

Yesterday we looked at the situation where your son or daughter falls in love with and marries someone you don’t like. If that is the case what can you do? Don’t put them in a situation where they have to choose between you and the family or the new love. Invariably they will choose the one they are in love with and you will find yourself not seeing them at all. Is that really what you want? I don’t think so. Remember that you have something in common. You both love the same person and want what’s best for them. … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Family

The opening statement in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet on Family states that “being part of a family is a great blessing.” Some of the benefits listed for being part of a family include companionship and happiness, a loving atmosphere, and a place of preparation for eternal life. Family is one of my most amazing blessings in life. I am amazed at how much I have learned and continue to learn from my family. I have four sisters and two brothers along with fabulous parents who have all taught me valuable lessons throughout the years. And they’ve become … Continue reading

I Guess I’m Not That Cool

Apparently I have been delusional in some of my thinking. I have been convinced that for a mom I am pretty cool. I text, I have a Facebook account and I enjoy loud music. I have always felt somewhat connected to my children’s world and honestly, have always felt welcomed. When my oldest son was in middle school, he had no problem being seen with me. I am very easy to talk to and his friends would enjoy having conversations with me. He didn’t mind when I showed up at his school, he would walk with me down the hallway … Continue reading