Things My Husband has Taught Me

Do you learn a lot from your spouse? Do you think he or she has learned a lot from you? Some of the great things about marriage are the abilities to learn from each other, teach each other, and to play off each other’s strengths. My husband has taught me to slow down. He’s taught me that I don’t have to be perfect and that I deserve to be loved, just the way I am. I’ve also learned from him that life is too short to spend so much time worrying and fussing, and the fact that life is too … Continue reading

What Does Unconditional Love Mean to You?

Unconditional love, in the simplest terms, means loving another person without conditions, no matter what. All adults have a basic understanding of genuine, unconditional love. We can find a precise, dictionary definition or read about its many nuances in marriage and relationship advice books, but how is it defined in your own marriage? Unconditional love can mean different things to different people. For some it means loving someone even when you don’t like him or her very much at the moment (for good reason) but standing by that person anyway. For others, it may mean becoming more accepting of your … Continue reading