Household Germs: Try this Hand-washing Test

You would probably be amazed to find out how many germs remain on our hands even after washing them. It’s not something we like to think about but the truth is many people rinse rather than wash, or only wash quickly and inefficiently. We also know that there are people who don’t wash up regularly, as we’ve seen them leave public restrooms without coming close to the sink. Running water helps to remove germs, so it’s good to keep your hands under running water for several seconds, rubbing them together. Even if soap is not available, the motion along with … Continue reading

Keeping Germs Away At 35,000-Feet

For some travelers the mere thought of having to be cooped up with hundreds of strangers in an airtight environment is enough to make them sick. But are you really more susceptible to cold viruses at 35,000-feet? I have friends who have told me that they have boarded a flight feeling great, but shortly after they landed a horrendous cold set in and their vacation was ruined. Is this possible? According to doctors, there is little evidence that indicates riding on a plane increases the likelihood of contracting an illness. In fact, the notion that the air in planes is … Continue reading

Hand Sanitizer- It Does a Body Good

I’m not a germ-phobe but since I became a mother, I like to carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me wherever we go. I find them more convenient than carrying around a bunch of wet wipes or going to the restroom only to find there are no paper towels and having to grab a bunch of toilet paper as a substitute. According to the Mayo Clinic, using hand sanitizers is a more effective way than soap and water to kill germs that cause illness. This is especially important for families with young kids. According to an article in … Continue reading

Kids + Shopping Carts = Stomachaches

A few years back numerous studies were done to detect how much bacteria covered grocery store shopping cart handles. The studies confirmed that shopping cart handles had more germs than public restrooms. Researchers made their rounds on TV news programs claiming that shopping carts were one of the worst public places for germs and that shoppers should take precautions. Now, it seems some grocery store customers are getting help from the government (well, at least residents in Arkansas are) to stay healthy while shopping. State lawmakers are trying to pass a law to get stores to clean their carts. The … Continue reading

Fairs, Zoos, and Parks—Summer Germs

With all the outdoor play and adventure, summer presents some health hazards unique to the season. Bug bites and bee stings are one reality we have to contend with—but so are all the germ and illness possibilities of outdoor events like fairs, festivals, zoos and parks. Germs and viruses live longer in warm conditions. Add this to the fact that children may be spending more time in outdoor locations where they are away from soap and water for long stretches and you’ve got a recipe for all sorts of “creeping crud”—as my mother used to call it. Any place where … Continue reading

The Comforts of Home

I don’t know about everybody else, but when I don’t feel well, I long for the comforts of home. I became sick this week, running a temperature of 102.7 (high for me) and all I wanted to do was go home and relax. Then, all I wanted to do was stay home. I snuggled up into my bed with my favorite quilt and chenille throw (even though it was 85 degrees). I piled up the bed pillows, shams, and accent pillows and made myself a soft retreat. Between tasks and errands I could not avoid, I retreated. I read there. … Continue reading

Really Clean Sheets

How often do you wash your bed sheets? A few years ago Oprah interviewed a “germ expert” who mentioned that bed linen should be washed in extremely hot water every 3 days. A gasp went up from the audience and it was later revealed that the majority of Oprah’s fans routinely sanitized their sheets bi-monthly. So, in case you answered “twice a month—at best” you needn’t feel bad… though you may feel itchy. According to scientists, during the night your body sheds cells, which mites live off of. What’s more, doctors say breathing those microbes in as you sleep can … Continue reading

The Norovirus is attacking!

Recently the nation has experienced a string of norovirus outbreaks. They have been identified in the Boston area, Washington and Virginia and the virus was also blamed for an outbreak of illnesses at an Indianapolis Olive Garden restaurant. So, what exactly is a norovirus and how worried should you be? Noroviruses are a group of viruses that cause the “stomach flu,” or gastroenteritis. Norovirus is the official name for 5 viruses that act like the original “Norwalk virus,” which caused an outbreak of gastroenteritis in a school in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1968. Noroviruses are the cause of “stomach flu” (not … Continue reading

How to Stay Healthy at the Office

I work in an office where people tramp in and out all day long. Employees, clients, and random people with nothing better to do (I’ve had a couple of those in the last week) all come down to the office to talk, which is fine, of course, except when they leave “presents” behind–those nasty things called germs. I have already been yucky sick this winter when I got a bad case of bronchitis and laryngitis. I was out of work for two days, which isn’t an experience I want to live through again any time soon. Problems are not solved … Continue reading

Germs and Family Get Togethers

Why is it that when families get together germs seem to multiply and spread like wildfire. As a child I remember that at our annual Thanksgiving get together at my grandparents inevitably someone would get sick. One year on the way home we stopped multiple times for my mom and brother to throw up. This year our family get together was no exception. For starters I was planning on driving back with my parents after Christmas and then my husband was going to join us on the weekend. But my youngest got sick so we sent my son back with … Continue reading