Hotels–How Clean Are They?

I love to travel… but I hate to pack. I enjoy flying… but I dread the boarding process. And, I treasure staying at hotels… as long as they are clean. I have touched on the issue of hotel cleanliness in prior blogs, but this new finding warrants additional coverage. A new study, released just a couple of days ago, reveals that many hotel rooms are havens for germs. Initially, I wasn’t that surprised. After all, I saw the “20/20” investigation on filthy hotel mattresses and unsanitary bedspreads (by the way, experts did conclude that on items like bedspreads, cloth dries … Continue reading

Making Your Home into a Healthy Zone, II

We all want our families and our homes to be healthy. Here are a few more tried and true ways to make your house into a healthier home: Dispose of Germs Using disposable products, such as paper towels and napkins, helps you throw away more germs instead of keeping them around. Many people use paper towels in the kitchen, but few use them in the bathroom, even though the bathroom contains many germs that can be a threat to health. If you do use cloth dishcloths, kitchen towels, and hand towels, be sure to replace them with clean ones often. … Continue reading

Illuminating Household Germs

Here’s a statistic that’s sure to upset your stomach: By the end of 2006 more than 76 million Americans will have gotten sick from eating bad food. Even more frightening: Food poisoning will kill 5000 of them. Food safety experts say blame it on dirty hands and dirty kitchens. Personally, I didn’t find the statistics to be that shocking. About six years ago I participated in a study for a product called “Glo-Germ.” It’s a non-toxic substance that simulates germs commonly found in household kitchens like e-coli and salmonella. The product allows researchers to see how quickly germs spread in … Continue reading

Preventing the Flu and Other Diseases

We have had more than our share of sickness this winter. I am currently writing this blog with my sick two year old asleep on my lap. Having sick children is never easy and is often downright miserable. So this winter season follow these tips, recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to help keep the germs at bay. Wash, wash, and wash. Teach your children to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. It is especially important to wash before meals and after using the restroom. Keep a small bottle of hand … Continue reading

Toilets: The Aerosol Effect

This is not a fun discussion, but it is an important one, because it concerns our families and health. We all know that toilets are a source of germs, but many people don’t realize just how dangerous (germ wise) toilets really are. I had heard the theory that when flushed, toilets create a mist or aerosol of germs that is sprayed and scattered throughout the bathroom. When I first heard about it, I was told this aerosol could travel up to 20 feet. I was skeptical. While 20 feet is a bit of an exaggeration, experiments have been conducted that … Continue reading

Bath Toys Are Not Clean!

As parents, we do our best to keep our homes clean for our family’s health and safety. It is part of being a parent, the seemingly never-ending chore of cleaning house. However, we are human, and some things are overlooked. Our parenting life is hectic, and we just don’t think of some things (yes, I am going to add another chore to your list). One of those things is right in your bathroom. You see them every night as your child plays and splashes in the bathtub getting squeaky clean. Nevertheless her bath toys won’t stay clean for too long … Continue reading

Hospitals and Drs. Offices Can Make You Sick!

You wouldn’t think it. I know I didn’t until my youngest daughter (when she was a baby), dropped her pacifier on the floor of a hospital room. I reached down to wash it while the nurse was giving me a very strange look. She asked for it and threw it away. We said that we could just wash it with soap, but she insisted that we shouldn’t risk it. I was a little confused. She continued to explain that although they do clean regularly, a hospital is filled with people coming and going that are sick. Most of their illnesses … Continue reading