Getting Rid of Fruit Flies the Frugal Way (2)

My article Getting Rid of Fruit Flies the Frugal Way (1) explains in detail how the fruit flies get into your home and how their life cycle works. Now I’m going to share with you, the best ways to get rid of them and keep them out. What you are going to do is create a fruit fly trap. You will need: Glass Jar A jar that held jelly or pickles, mayonnaise, etc. is perfect. You are looking for taller jars, rather than wide jars, but any jar will work well. Piece of Paper Any paper will do, but a … Continue reading

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies the Frugal Way (1)

As the season’s change from summer to fall, many insects are found in and around our home in abundance. The fruit fly is just one, and being that they are more commonly seen indoors, there are some simple and frugal techniques you can use to get rid of them. Most of the techniques to rid your home of fruit flies are extremely expensive and constitute purchasing sprays and traps that can cost a fortune and don’t always work. But there is a more frugal alternative to all of that. My neighbor just had a run in with a plethora of … Continue reading