Fun with Father’s Day Photos

No matter where you plan to spend Father’s Day, don’t forget to take your camera along to document the memories.  The photos you snap at the beach, park, pool or right in your backyard can be transformed into touching mementos of Dad’s special day. Take aim at Dad and the kids frolicking in the waves, burying each other in the sand or searching for bugs along a nature trail.  Shoot from unique angles rather than traditional ones and don’t be afraid to experiment with different exposures.  More importantly, ditch the posed shots of Dad standing static with Junior and Jane … Continue reading

Fun Father’s Day Reads

Forget about the tacky tie, fluorescent golf balls, and the tennis racket-shaped bug zapper.  What Dad really wants this Father’s Day is some quality time with the TV remote, his trusty recliner and a plate of bacon. Of course, what Dad wants for the upcoming holiday and what his enthusiastic young offspring want for him may be vastly different.  Fortunately, the following Father’s Day reads may be the key to compromise.  Kids can cuddle up with Dad on his favorite chair and share quality time reading the delightful holiday-themed page turners… while Mom cooks a pile of pork products for a post-story time … Continue reading

Love in a Jar

How do you jar love? I’ve yet to find a manufacturer able to mass produce the feeling of joy and goodwill that we’d all like to experience during the holiday season… and beyond. For me, a jar of love would smell like Bath and Body Works’ Dancing Waters shower gel, taste like Crème Brulee swimming in Raspberry Coulis and feel like my daughter’s marshmallow cheek gently pressing up against my chest. Love in a jar doesn’t have to drain your bank account.  In fact, when it comes to giving the gift of love this Christmas, you don’t have to spend … Continue reading

Merry Minis

Big fun can come in small packages. Don’t believe the hype:  You don’t have to spend a ton of money purchasing large, expensive presents for loved ones during the holiday season in order to feel good about yourself.  Rather, mini gifts can be just as rewarding. Small-scale presents are ideal for co-workers, mail carriers, hair stylists, casual acquaintances and distant relatives.  What’s more, small gifts can often be bought in bulk resulting in a lower overall price.  In addition, if you are crafting small gifts to give, the miniature size can play in your favor. Have fun shopping for or … Continue reading

Holiday Gifts from the Heart

The holiday season is an ideal time to teach kids about the importance of giving.  This year, though, consider doing one better by giving your children the opportunity to take a hands-on approach to gift-giving. There’s no need to break the bank purchasing expensive holiday presents for loved ones when you can use your creativity and other talents to craft a slew of special treats.  Show kids that by putting their heart into making a personal present for a loved one they will be giving a giving a gift you can’t put a price tag on. Some simple ideas include: … Continue reading

Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Shutterbug

There’s one (or two, or three) in every family: Camera pointing, snap happy shutterbugs who don’t let a single event go by without properly documenting it from every angle. You know them, you love them, and now you need to get them a Christmas gift. Here are a few ideas that are sure to make your favorite shutterbug’s holiday picture-perfect: ShutterBuddy: If you take a ton of photos of infants, then this is a must-have photo accessory. The black and white checkerboard patterned attachment fits snuggly around your camera and is designed to attract a baby’s attention long enough to … Continue reading

LDS Mother’s Day Gift Suggestions

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and you may be wondering what you can get your mom, wife or other loved one for Mother’s Day. I think it is important to remember all of the women in your life on this special day, even if they are not mothers. Any woman who reaches out to bless the lives of those around them deserves to be remembered. Here are five Mother’s day gifts for LDS women. First the Worldwide Ward Cookbook would make a great gift. This is a compilation of recipes from members all over the world. There are … Continue reading

Getting Free Gift Wrap

Whether you are wrapping presents for a birthday party or for the holidays, gift wrap can be expensive. Why spend as much on the wrap as you do on the present? There are some strategies that you can use to get some absolutely free gift wrap. Put that extra money toward buying more gifts, or just save it. Take a look at the following ways to get free gift wrap. Around the holidays, most department stores will offer free gift wrapping with a purchase. You just have to head over to customer service. There may be some long lines, so … Continue reading

Donuts with Dad

During the last week of my daughter’s school, her kindergarten teacher organized an event called “Donuts with Dad.” My wife had attended “Muffins with Mom” about two weeks earlier, so the pressure was on dad to come through. It was a busy week for me. I was starting a new time job, not to mention I still had to maintain all of the other appointments and activities for my family. Consequently, when I heard about this new activity with her kindergarten class I was not too excited about going at first – until I got there. When I arrived at … Continue reading

Father’s Day, 2008

It’s that special time of year again when dads look forward to all the unique and wonderful gifts that they will receive. Everything from ties to power tools is on the menu. One of the best gifts I ever received was a 12-string guitar. I used to joke with my wife all the time about getting one for my anniversary present. My wife and son went in on this together and purchased it online. I tried to think back to what I used to give my dad for Father’s Day. Nothing really stands out in my mind. Today we mostly … Continue reading