How to Give When You Are on A Budget

Just because finances are tight doesn’t meant that you have to give up on giving. Here are some strategies to help you make the most impact within limited means. Play favorites Really take the time to concentrate your charitable efforts. Instead of giving a little to many charities, focus on one or two that really resonate with you and your family. Not only will this make a bigger impact to your chosen charities, but you will probably get to know the causes better than if you spread your money around every time there is a candy fundraiser, car wash or … Continue reading

Three Tips: Reconnect with Your Spouse

We all fall into ruts. The newness and novelty of marriage have to wear off eventually. That doesn’t mean marriage has to be so-so. Sometimes, it just takes a little more effort. If you’re feeling a little distant from your spouse, you may just need to reconnect. The daily grind can drive wedges between even the most loving spouses, so we have to work to keep that from happening. Here are three tips to help you and your spouse reconnect and feel closer: Thoughtfulness and Gestures The fact that you took the time to think of your husband or wife … Continue reading