Free Stuff on Craigslist

Cleaning out your house takes time, time that many of us just do not have. It is hard enough to find the time to clean, but then to have to find homes for our “good junk” is even more difficult. Yet, you hate to throw things away that someone else may be able to find a use for. There are so many people in this world who have to go without things that they are in need of. It is a shame and I am one of those people who have a great deal of difficulty just tossing things into … Continue reading

In Jesse’s Shoes – A Fabulous Book Giveaway!

Yesterday I received a copy of a beautiful book entitled, In Jesse’s Shoes by Beverly Lewis, illustrated by Laura Nikiel, and published by Bethany House Publishers. It’s a story about a girl, Allie, who must accompany her special needs brother Jesse to the bus stop each morning. In doing so she faces the ridicule and cruel remarks of her peers: “Your brother’s weird.” “Is something…wrong with him?” Allie also struggles with her own secret feelings of disappointment and frustration, wondering why she can’t have a normal brother like everyone else. Allie goes on an outing with her brother, where he … Continue reading