When You Feel Like Giving Up

You’ve considered and prayed about a situation or area of ministry. You’ve worked hard to do the best job you can. And still things go wrong. The situation goes from bad to worse. You wonder- why? Where is God in all this? Why isn’t God answering my prayers? What have I done wrong? Around that time thoughts of giving up usually creep in because it all seems too hard. But whatever the situation or ministry you are involved in, before you give up and decide it’s all too hard, read this story of the Samburu people in Kenya. Everyone, it … Continue reading

What Habit Am I Giving Up for the Next Five Days

We talked about making a change in our Change Your Habits in Five Days Challenge and today is the day we launch that challenge. So what habit am I going to give up for the next five days? I had to think about this because right now I’m still a bit laid up and taking a shower requires a two hour nap afterwards so I chose to give up my favorite drink – my Venti, half-café, non-fat, peppermint mocha. My Starbuck’s Addiction I’ve been drinking Starbuck’s for more than ten years. At one point in time, I was drinking two … Continue reading