More Faux Your Money

Did you know that many different faux painting techniques require less paint to cover an area than regular painting generally does? In other words, faux finishes can also help save decorating dollars while adding charm and interest to your home decor. As noted in previous articles, it is a good idea to practice a faux finish before trying it on walls or furniture. A piece of scrap wood is perfect. Just paint it the same color as the background color of the walls you want to treat and let it dry before practicing the faux finish. Color Washing When your … Continue reading

Go with the Faux

Some people don’t care for faux painting techniques. After some of the wild examples that have been exhibited, it’s understandable. However, many faux painting techniques can be very attractive, if they are done well. It just takes some practice. Maybe the design shows and magazines should add a “don’t try this at home” warning before showing faux techniques, or at least don’t-try-this-on-walls-or-furniture-until-you- have-practiced-on-something-else-first. Getting the feel of a technique is important, and getting a piece of scrap wood to use while developing your technique is a good idea. Faux finishes are a lot of fun, and you might be surprised … Continue reading

Do it Yourself Look of Leather

Have you ever tried a faux technique that creates the look of leather? Here is a really simple, affordable technique that you can utilize, with things your probably already have around the house. You will need brown paper bags, school glue, water, and a paintbrush. You will of course need something to apply the technique to as well. Try a lampshade, a trashcan, or apply it to a plastic tumbler or a clean, empty can to make a great faux leather penholder. You can cut the paper into strips or squares, but this technique looks best if you rip the … Continue reading