Going Green in the Bathroom

Making eco-friendly choices is not just about buying organic. There are so many things that you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. The bathroom is no exception. Previously, we covered going green in the bedroom and going green in the kitchen. Now we can examine one of the most frequently used rooms of the house. Check out the following strategies that you can use to go green in the bathroom. Water, Water Everywhere The most obvious way to go green in this room is by saving water whenever possible. Take shorter showers. To do this, consider using … Continue reading

Birds on the Brain: International Migratory Bird Day 2007

Tomorrow, May 12, is International Migratory Bird Day. The Environment for the Americas was born out of the success of the day and now has a website that promotes their cause year round. Each year they have a theme, and this year it’s “Birds in a Changing Climate.” The purpose of this year’s celebration is to raise awareness of how sensitive birds are to environmental changes. When we cut down forests, we cut down their homes. When we use pesticides to keep bugs at bay, we contaminate and/or kill a potential food source for birds. When we pollute the water, … Continue reading

Global Warming: Personal Conservation

Do you believe in Global Warming? Clearly, there is something to this phenemenon, but do you believe that man is the direct cause and that there is really something we can do to limit the effects? It’s a controversial issue to be sure, and various aspects are much contested, especially when it comes to cause and effect. Still, no matter what you believe in regard to Global Warming, I think we can all agree that avoiding waste -or engaging in conservation- is a good thing. So, are there specific measures you take in your household to help with the conservation … Continue reading

Frugal Lessons: Eiffel Tower Is Turning Off Its Lights

On Thursday evening, the Eiffel tower will go dark, turning off its light for five minutes to save energy. The reason for this is to bring attention to the issue of global warming. This frugal move will extinguish, at least temporarily, the more than 20,000 flashing lights on the Eiffel Tower. The lights will all be shut off just hours before a long-anticipated report on the seriousness of global warming. According to the Associated Press, “The darkening of the landmark in the City of Light comes at the urging of environmental activists and is timed to coincide with Friday’s release … Continue reading