New Years Perspective on Money

Who doesn’t want more money? Speak up now… I would love to hear it! The strange thing about money is you tend to spend what you have. Even hardcore savers do the same thing. The more you make, the more you spend. The same also happens in reverse. It seems to almost be subconscious. There is a mindset about how many dollars sit in your bank account. If you feel poor, you tend to be more careful with your money habits. This is one of the reasons why having an automatic savings plan can deceive your mind into feeling poorer … Continue reading

Monopoly as a Learning Tool

There are times when it’s hard to inject an atmosphere of fun into the schoolwork routine. My temperament is such that I want to get to work and get it done, where my children prefer to do it the fun way. We clash, I’m afraid. One day they kept begging me to play Monopoly with them when I was trying to get them to do school. I agreed, but on the condition that we make it part of school time. It turned out to be an excellent compromise. In counting out the money, the children learned the value of the … Continue reading

Foreign Language in Elementary School

A generation ago, American students generally had an opportunity to learn another language starting in high school. Depending on what part of the country you lived in the two main languages usually offered were Spanish and/or French, and if you had a resourceful school, you might be able to learn German instead of the other two. Rarely were you allowed to learn two or three other languages simultaneously-basically you stuck with one for a year or two at the most. Over the last 10-15 years, there has been a shift to make foreign languages available to elementary students in both … Continue reading

Single Mothers Around the Globe

In conducting my research for this blog, I have become more aware of the similarities and vast differences of single mothers in countries other than America. Mothers are mothers worldwide and that does not change, but the status of single mother can make all the difference in the world. Economics or lack of adequate and equitable wages seems to be a worldwide problem. Working mothers in Sri Lanka, Syracuse, and Shanghai face monthly budget deficits that never seem to be satisfied even with additional overtime or taking on a 2nd or 3rd job. Mothers across Europe desire better living conditions … Continue reading