Goals for a New Year

New goals require a new attitude and new habits.  Without a change of attitude and habits a new goal will fall flat on its face.  And what is a new year without some new goals and habits?  I guess that would be a reflection of an old year.  I don’t know about you but I did not want a repeat of 2012.  The year, 2012, started out with a glimmer of hope for a year full of success and victory.  For a multitude of reasons, some my own and some not, the year fell more than flat it fell into … Continue reading

Stubborness Can Be an Asset

All of us in life need to learn to make responsible decisions. We all need to be alert to the peer pressure that comes from family, friends, work colleagues and a society that, on the whole, doesn’t know the Lord and follow His ways. It can also come from those who are Christian. So how do we handle such pressure? ‘The Competitive Edge – how to win every time you compete,’ is a helpful book for getting us on the right track with decision making and living with integrity. The book is filled with interesting anecdotes like the stance taken … Continue reading

How Is Your Fitness Going?

How do you measure how your fitness is going? Do you measure it in how you feel personally? Do you measure it in inches lost? What about pounds? Do you measure it in performance? These are all valid ways to measure your fitness, but you shouldn’t just use one of these to measure how you are doing. Consider for a moment, how do you measure how your job is going? A Measure By Any Other Name When I look at my job or my career, there’s any number of questions that I ask myself in order to measure how it … Continue reading

Helping Kids With Goal-Setting

When our children are very young, we sort of set goals for them—we have our own ideas of what they should be doing, and where they should be developmentally at certain stages. As they age, however, most of us parents learn to ease up on our own goals for our children and expect them to start setting goals on their own. This does not come naturally or easily for many children, however, and they may need some help learning how… We are all so different! Some of us need check lists and very specifically defined goals to work toward, while … Continue reading

Teach Your Child How to Dream

I’m a firm believer that children need to be taught how to dream. By “dream,” I mean having a driving hope for the future—a clear concept or idea of what they want to do or be. Every child needs to learn this, and children with special needs are no exception. Some children develop a dream for their lives from early childhood, but many children must be taught to dream. These are the kids that shrug their shoulders and say, “I dunno,” when asked about their future plans. Why Dream? A child with a dream has greater motivation to achieve. Children … Continue reading

Do You Know What You’re Hoping to Accomplish?

My grandfather used to say “How are you going to know if when you get there if you don’t know where you’re going?” I can’t help but think this is very good guiding advice for the home business owner. I’m not just talking about financial plans and budgets, I’m talking about knowing deep down what you’re trying to accomplish and what it is you hope to gain and gather from your home business experience. Goals and business plans are a good thing, and I have written about them before–but in order to stay motivated and feel fulfilled in operating a … Continue reading

End of June Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of June and we’re soaking it up down here. We went from famine to feast where rain is concerned and it’s impaired my workout more than I care to admit. It’s been hard to be flexible when the weather keeps turning on torrential downpours and it impedes our ability to head out and ride bikes, go for long walks and more. We’re making due and I just finished off June’s fitness journal here at home. Next month, I’ll be publishing my journal entries daily to give you some ideas of how daily journaling can help you … Continue reading

End of January Fitness Check Up

It’s the end of January – yes, I know, already. I promised you at the end of last month that I would be making some changes to the end of the month fitness goal check ups and this is our first edition of a new check up method. We’ll see how it goes, of course, I’m always open to your ideas and your suggestions – feel free to drop me a private message here at families.com or in the suggestion box I’ll be posting on our forums. So let’s get to it. Fitness Check Up Let’s talk about our resolutions. … Continue reading

It’s Monday! Let’s Kick It!

Good morning and welcome to Monday, it’s the end of the weekend and we’re back in business here. I took the weekend off looking to rest, refresh and get my head screwed back on straight. In the last 10 days, two old friends of mine died. I’d not seen either in a few years – but it didn’t lessen the impact of their deaths on how I was feeling or the self-examination I put myself through. This weekend, I made a decision – too often we put off the things we’re going to do. We’ll take a vacation next year. … Continue reading

Pause for a Moment – Look Back

We spent the last few days of 2006 reviewing where we were and how we got there. January is here now and today is January 4, 2007. Four days into the New Year and for many of us that means a return to the normal day to day activities that consume our lives whether it’s getting the kids to school, teaching school, going to work and more. We’ve taken down the Christmas decorations and we’re looking forward to the weeks and months to come populated with their own activities. In many portions of the nation, we’re under several inches of … Continue reading