End of December Fitness Goal Check

12 months, I began the End of the Month Fitness Goal Check. These Fitness Goal checks were designed to help you keep the finger on the pulse of your fitness program throughout the year. It’s hard to believe that here we are at the end of our 12th month since we began this little adventure and we’re doing our End of December Fitness Goal Check. We celebrated our Anniversary here at Families.com, we celebrated Hanukah, Solstice, Kwanzaa and we celebrated Christmas. Tonight we celebrate the final rest of 2006 and the birth of 2007. It’s been a busy, busy month … Continue reading

Countdown to 2007: Set Your Goals NOW

Yes, I realize the bells and whistles haven’t gone off yet, signaling the start of the New Year—the time when all resolutions are made and few are kept. But maybe that’s the problem with keeping them—maybe, just maybe, if people planned out their resolutions instead of blurting them out without thought, they’d have a better chance at keeping them. What are your weight loss goals for 2007? In case you need a little nudge, here are some great goals to consider: Drink more water—this may seem silly, but our bodies need water more than they need food. And very few … Continue reading

Countdown to 2007—Will You Weigh Less Or More?

If you’re like most Americans, you’ll likely put on 5-10 pounds over the holiday season. You may not even realize it, especially if you live where it’s cold and spend your days bundled up in sweaters. But trust me, when summer comes around and sweaters are no longer an option, those winter pounds will ruin your mood—quickly. Have you thought yet about 2007? Most people make resolutions when the New Year rolls around. Have you thought about whether you want to weigh more or less than you did in 2006? If not, now is a great time to start thinking … Continue reading

10,000 Steps and Counting: Setting Some Goals

Are you a perfectionist? I am. If Heather, or the book says that I have to walk 10,000 steps then 5,000 simply won’t do. The problem is that sometimes our desire to be perfect, sets us back or even worse, prevents us from getting started. If you think about it–it’s silly. I can’t walk 10,000 steps a day so I won’t try. . .but that’s how we think isn’t it? But remember our mantra? If you aim for nothing, you’ll get their every time. To aim for something you have to start somewhere. The question is. . .where to start? … Continue reading

So, what are your goals?

When writing my newsletter for Passion to Success, I kept coming back to one topic I find myself writing about a lot lately: setting goals. You see a lot of articles this time of year about the importance of goal setting. Everyone knows that when you get close to the New Year, you plan for the next year. However, there is more to setting goals then stating a goal. How often do you hear “I’m going to cut out all chocolate” to see that person with a piece of chocolate cake 2 days later? “Quitting smoking” is another one that … Continue reading

Thinking About Goals….

Ahhh, it’s that time of year again. I’m almost done with 2006 and getting ready for 2007. Time to set goals. Some years it is really easy for me to do this. At one point in my life I had a ton of energy and an attitude that “I can do anything!” I always set my goals high and hit them. This year was a year of realism for me. My husband and I have experienced outside factors of life that made me realize I am human. To tell you the truth, a lot of this has just taken a … Continue reading

End of November Fitness Goal Check

Wow – is it really the end of November? It seems like just yesterday we were out trick or treating and now we’re getting holiday decorations up, still worrying about those extra pounds from Thanksgiving. December also marks my first anniversary here at Families.com and the first anniversary of the site overall – so Happy Birthday Families.com and to all of you who have been with us here this year and joined us throughout the year – woo hoo to you too! The end of the month Fitness Goal Check began as a way to help us look at the … Continue reading

Are Your Kids Self-motivated?

Are your kids self-motivated? Self-motivation, according to the authors of 365 Ways To Help Your Children Grow, is “the reason a person goes on, even when they want to quit. It is the belief that something can be done, even when the odds are against it.” To help your kids get self-motivated, the authors offer several great ideas for you to try out. Here are a few of them: (1) Goal cards Each family member receives one 5 x 8 index card. On one side write one goal and on the other side write the steps you would need to … Continue reading

Fitness Thoughts & More for September

It’s hard to start a month on a Friday. It’s even harder to start that month on the Friday of a three-day weekend. The first of the month is a beginning where we can get charged and excited. Friday is the end of the week and a time to tone it down and take it easy as you roll into the weekend proper. So how do we establish our thoughts on the month ahead? Well, let’s start simply. Monday is Labor Day, banks and such will be closed as will most business offices, retail will be open though and for … Continue reading

Role Models – Re-Purposing Them In Your Life

Role models are people who capture our imagination because they demonstrate success at levels we believe that we can only dream about. Our role models may be rich and wealthy like Donald Trump or Bill Gates. They may have tremendous fame like Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and Brad Pitt. The thing about role models that makes them so great is that they are living proof that provides us with reassurance that greatness can be accomplished. Whether they work with personal trainers, financial advisors or agents – their success is what makes them a role model for you. Re-Purposing Your Role … Continue reading