Compulsive Hoarding-Part 2

In Part One of the Compulsive Hoarding article, I covered several of the symptoms displayed with hoarding and some examples of why a child might conceal food and possessions to the point of irrational behavior. The next step was to make him feel secure enough to minimize and in some areas alleviate the symptoms he was displaying. After realizing our child’s dysfunctional behavior then documenting it to find the pattern and the degree of his hoarding, we began working on the problem. When we first noticed the food hoarding, we didn’t confront Daniel with it. Paul and I wanted to … Continue reading

On Eating Well

With all the talk we devote in this and many other blogs about the obesity epidemic in this country – we forget that there are still millions of people in the world who go hungry. With America seemingly leading the way in the epidemic on obesity – we have Americans who are starving. Sometimes we get so caught up in the rheotoric and the hype that we forget. Weight loss is a great goal for those of us who can afford to eat and it’s an even better goal for those of us who don’t healthy – but what about … Continue reading