Bunny Books by Rick Walton

I admit it; I’m a bunny girl. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my birthday comes close to Easter and so everyone gives me bunny presents, but I’m a fanatic. When I saw these adorable books by Rick Walton, I had to snatch them up. First is “Bunny Day,” a telling time book. At eight o’clock in the morning, Father calls the bunnies and tells them it’s time to get up and get moving. It’s time for breakfast! The bunnies come downstairs, dressed in footie pajamas and yawning. At nine o’clock, they get dressed and make … Continue reading

Brandy and Mr. Whiskers

Brandy is a trendy, hip, uptown little dog with high fashion clothes and a definite flair for the dramatic. Mr. Whiskers is a smack-talking, street smart rabbit with a little more ego than he has brains. Through an odd series of events, they have found themselves stranded in the Amazon and are trying to find a way to co-exist while there. A show geared more toward girls over the age of seven, “Brandy and Mr. Whiskers” glorifies malls, shopping, and the importance of bailing your friends out of trouble. An episode I caught the other day depicted Brandy teaching Mr. … Continue reading

Bling For Sebastian

A one year old black Persian cat from Indiana is sporting some interesting choppers: Sebastian the cat has gold crowns on his two bottom canine teeth! Though the kitty looks more like a movie villain’s pet than a mild mannered Persian these days, the gold crowns really do serve a purpose beyond the cosmetic. Sebastian’s odd underbite is more like a bulldog than a typical cat, with his bottom canines sticking out from his lips. Sebastian’s owner — Doctor David Steele — is a dentist who feared the unique fangs would become a problem. He decided that the gold crowns … Continue reading

Rabbit Cage Basics

When it comes to housing your rabbit, bigger is always better! A good rule of thumb is that your cage should be at least four times the size of your rabbit — even more if your bun will spend most of his time in the cage. The more time your bunny spends outside the cage, the smaller his cage needs to be. That doesn’t mean a large cage can replace free-running time! Bunnies need space to move around, or you’re going to have a chubby bun on your hands. For your rabbit to be happy in his cage, he should … Continue reading