Caring For Your Goldfish When You’re On Vacation

You’re going away for a few days — who will be taking care of your goldfish? There are three things you need to take into consideration: feeding, air, and filter. Feeding is probably the most common obstacle you’ll face in goldfish care when you’re away from home. Do you ask a friend or family member to come in and feed your goldfish? Do you let your fish friend go hungry for a few days? What’s the right choice? If your trip will be four days or less, your fish will be just fine without food. However, if you’ll be away … Continue reading

Goldfish Care Tips

A goldfish may seem like a quick and easy pet — just toss it in a tank and make sure you feed it! But there is much more to goldfish care if you want your fish to live a long and healthy life. Ten years or more is not an unusual lifespan for a well-cared-for goldfish. Tank Tips: Pick a tank that has a hood — it keeps the fish from jumping out and keeps debris out of the tank. Pick gravel that isn’t too sharp — you don’t want your goldfish to hurt himself searching for food. Fish love … Continue reading

Goldfish Care

The goldfish that came home from the local fair can live a long and happy life, as long as your little fish has an appropriate home. A fishbowl is actually not the best home for a goldfish! A tank is a much better home for a goldfish for several reasons: The surface area of the water allows more oxygen into the water. A bowl has a much smaller surface area than a tank! A tank doesn’t have to take up a lot of room and doesn’t have to cost a ton of money. A filter is inexpensive, easy to add, … Continue reading

Why Is My Goldfish Changing Colors?

Not all goldfish are gold! Even a goldfish that starts life a bright shade of orange may change colors throughout his life. There are different reasons why a goldfish may change colors. Diet changes, poor quality food, and parasites can leave you with a fish of a different color. Genetics play a big part in goldfish color. Moors (black goldfish) may be cross-bred with telescopes (goldfish of any other color) to improve body shape or vision. The baby goldfish from a moor/telescope breeding may or may not change colors. Some baby goldfish stay black all their lives. Some change colors … Continue reading