The Deschooling Series: The Fallacy of Good Grades

If you’re just joining us, we’re talking about the things that hinder us from breaking away from our notions of what school should look like. Learning can and should happen in a variety of ways and through a variety of different media. However, we seem to have it so engraved in our minds that school should look traditional. On the contrary, many parents find, particularly those transitioning from a traditional school setting, that they must almost entirely abandon their notions and spend a year deschooling. I have now read in several sources that deschooling is definitely the way to start … Continue reading

Attention Parents: Exercise Can Help Your Kids Get Better Grades

I thought that title might get your attention. As parents, we want to do everything we can to give our children the best opportunities for success. Among the opportunities we want to give our children include: Access to good teachers Access to positive experiences Access to quality time with us We measure their response and their success by not only their actions and behavior, but also by the grades they receive in school. Personally speaking, I do not think grades are a measure of intelligence, only of aptitude and actual grasping of skills and the application of them. So What … Continue reading