7 Lessons From Paul’s Letter to Philippi

1. When we look at the letter Paul wrote to the Philippians he refers to himself and Timothy as bond-servants of Christ Jesus, verse 1. Can we legitimately use that title, ‘bond-servants of Christ Jesus’ for ourselves? How are we serving? Are we serving with joy and willingness? 2. Paul thanks God for the believers at Philippi, verse 3. Often we might pray for our church members and Christian friends but do we think to thank God for our fellow Christians as Paul did? 3. Paul prayed for the Philippians with great joy for their ‘participation in the gospel,’ verse … Continue reading

Life Changing – Part 2

A New Year usually means time for New Year’s resolutions. But sometime our New Year’s resolutions never last more than a few days. In yesterday’s blog I talked about George Statheos and how he said, ‘God’s Word is life changing.’ We need God’s Word to help us each day. Another person put it like this ‘It’s like having two dogs inside me fighting with each other.’ This in the same type of experience the apostle Paul talked about when he talked of the two natures within, I Corinthians 2:12-14 and how that human nature caused him to do things he … Continue reading