What Does Your Gravel Say About You?

Most fish tanks have something on the bottom — often gravel in freshwater tanks, but sometimes sand or other materials. What substrate is best for your tank? Colored gravel is popular among casual fish keepers, but not often seen in a serious hobbyist’s tank. Why? If the fish should be the main focus of the tank, brightly colored gravel can be distracting from the living creatures. Colored gravel doesn’t look at all natural, and many serious hobbyists want their tanks to look like a little piece of nature. Light colored gravel can make fish nervous or anxious — the fish … Continue reading

Under-Gravel Filtration for Your Aquarium

The purpose of your aquarium filter is to establish and maintain beneficial bacteria colonies. If you’re wondering why there needs to be bacteria in your aquarium, take a moment to learn about the nitrogen cycle: The basics Stages of the nitrogen cycle Starting fishless An under-gravel filtration system is a popular choice for aquarium filtration. Here’s how they work: a plastic grid or plate sits underneath several inches of gravel. The filter draws water down through the gravel (through colonies of healthy bacteria). Lift tubes and airstones at the corners of the plate create suction and keep the water cycling. … Continue reading

Driveways: In a Rut?

This may not be a problem for many homeowners, but for those of us that live in the country, driveways can become big issues. Even if you live in the city or suburbs, and you have recently built a home, you may experience similar problems. Recently cleared land means all sorts of fun stuff you might not have expected. If your drive isn’t paved, you may be finding that as the weather warms and the ground begins to thaw your driveway is becoming soft. This can soon lead to quite a mess. If at all possible, try to park elsewhere … Continue reading