Are Organic Garden Products Misleading?

When we see an organic sticker on a product, we can have faith that we are doing the right thing for the environment by purchasing it, right? This is actually not necessarily the case. For food, organic stickers are USDA approved, so that food must meet certain standards to be labeled organic. This is not true for other products, such as garden products. pretty much anyone can currently slap on an organic or green label on a garden product, such as a bottle of pesticide whether or not it is truly organic. If using organic gardening products is important to … Continue reading

Disposing of CFLs

Using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are a smart way to do something wonderful for the planet. CFLs use 75 percent less energy than do traditional incandescent bulbs. You should definitely replace any high use light bulbs with CFLs, such as porch or driveway lights, kitchen or living room lights, etc. The cost of CFLs has gone down quite a bit, making them comparable to the incandescent. That means you won’t first have to invest a lot of money to save on your energy costs. The downside to CFLs is that they contain trace amounts of mercury. This mercury can … Continue reading

Going Green in the Bathroom

Making eco-friendly choices is not just about buying organic. There are so many things that you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. The bathroom is no exception. Previously, we covered going green in the bedroom and going green in the kitchen. Now we can examine one of the most frequently used rooms of the house. Check out the following strategies that you can use to go green in the bathroom. Water, Water Everywhere The most obvious way to go green in this room is by saving water whenever possible. Take shorter showers. To do this, consider using … Continue reading

Going Green in the Kitchen

You can really take advantage of eco-friendly techniques and products in the kitchen in your efforts to go green and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some easy ways strategies you can do today. Give up the Plastic As much as possible, choose groceries that have minimal packaging or no packaging at all. Cooking from scratch will generate the least amount of excess plastic and paper. Baking your own bread, making sauce from scratch and avoiding prepared or prepackaged foods can all help reduce the amount of waste your household generated. If you do need to purchase something with packaging … Continue reading

Three Quick Ways to a Greener Garden

When it comes to being green, there is no better place to practice an eco-friendly lifestyle than in the garden. Just having a vegetable garden is a good way to help the planet, as you use your own grown produce instead of purchasing produce that may have cost a lot of energy to ship to your store. Nut of course, there are other types of gardens to enjoy, such as a flower garden. Unfortunately, not all gardens are environmentally friendly or eco-conscious. In fact, many of them are not very good for the environment at all. Here are three quick … Continue reading

Alternatives to Hanging Laundry Outside

Hanging laundry outside is not only good for your budget, but it is also good for the environment. Sometimes, however, hanging laundry outside just isn’t practical or even possible. Maybe you live in an apartment or house without a backyard for a clothesline. Maybe hanging laundry is simply not allowed in your area. or maybe you just don’t want to hang your laundry outside for all of your neighbors to see. I remember being a teen in New York City and being mortified when my mother hung the underwear out on the clothesline that ran from our kitchen window and … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: April 21st Through April 27th

This past week, we’ve answered that age-old (well at least decades-old) question, does turning your computer off and on damage it. for the answer to this dilemma, as well as stories about greening up your technology and more, check out the Computing week in review for April 21st through April 27th. April 21st Does Shutting Off Your PC Daily Shorten It’s Life? One of the greatest technology debates is not about cell phones causing cancer or Yahoo versus Google, but something more domestic. Does shutting down a PC on a daily basis shorten its life? Do you have to compromise … Continue reading

Hot Kitchen Cabinet Styles

Kitchen cabinets, just as other aspects of the home, feature new trends and must have styles. If you are building a new home or just looking to do a remodel or a renovation, consider the following hot kitchen cabinet styles. Plain and simple cabinets are becoming the most wanted look. I am glad I learned about this style, since our old cabinets are plain, and we were considering adding some trim. Smooth cabinet doors without any detail is the style that is becoming most popular. Door and draw pulls that are either absent or small and clean are being featured. … Continue reading

Greening up Your Technology

Going green can mean ensuring that your technology doesn’t hog electricity and other resources. A good part of your “footprint,” the amount of impact that you and your household have on the environment, can be affective my your technology. Here are some ways to green up your stuff without living like you are off the grid. Know your home theater As televisions get larger and the standard CRT gets replaced by plasma and LCD, and as surround sound speakers are added, the energy consumption on your home theater system goes up. Knowing which of these products have the least impact … Continue reading

Low-Flow Toilets

Low-Flow Toilets have had a bad reputation, but today’s models are a new generation of technology, featuring high efficiency and even lower water usage. In fact, new toilets can use less than a gallon of water. Compare that with the pre-1992 models that used from three to five gallons of water per flush. Why did I choose 1992? That is because the 1992 Energy Policy Act banned the sale of 1.6 gallon toilets (that used 3-5 gallons per flush). Homeowners in general weren’t too happy with the act because early low-flow toilets were not always effective, requiring more than one … Continue reading