Cheap Ways to Go Green

Can you keep the spirit of Earth Day alive without sacrificing your frugal lifestyle? Of course! There are plenty of ways to go green without investing in expensive organic or green products. You can make a difference to the environment and keep a fat wallet at the same time. Here are some tips. Electronics Turn off that screen save and instead use the sleep mode or hibernation feature on your computer. You’ll use a lot less energy. Or better yet, if you will be away from your computer for an extended period of time, simply shut it down. It won’t … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Mowers

If you want to mow your lawn and be kind to the environment, the only way to achieve those goals is to look into alternatives to the traditional gas mower. Here are four options to look into for eco-friendly mowing. And if you want to learn more about the impact of a gas mower as well as trading it in, click here: Eco-Friendly Mowing Go for an electric mower Yes, it does still use up energy, but the impact to the environment is much less than that of a gas-powered mower. You will need to get used to using the … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Mowing

It is still late morning here, and I can already hear various lawn mowers puttering away in the yards of my neighbors. Unfortunately, mowers contribute five percent of air pollution, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. About fifty-four million Americans mow their lawns each weekend. Fortunately, we aren’t one of that number, at least not yet. We live pretty much in the woods and don’t have a grassy space. Once our landscaping is done, we do plan on having a grassy yard for at least a portion of the yard. And, we will be looking in to eco-friendly options … Continue reading

Eco Smart Home Tips

Is your home really green? Earth Day is April 22nd, and you can celebrate the day by making some earth-friendly changes in your home. These improvements are simple, inexpensive and easy to do (I promise). Use your eco powers for good and gain some money savings at the same time. Search and Destroy Find all of those areas in your home that waste energy by forcing you to heat or cool the entire neighborhood. Go through your home, one room or area at a time. Find and seal cracks and air leaks with caulk, weather stripping and other products made … Continue reading

Celebrities Practicing What They Preach… Or Not

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio could easily be the poster boy for the environment. The Oscar nominee has long been known as one of the most “green” guys on the planet. And now the environmentally conscious movie star is once again showing the world he practices what he preaches with the purchase of his new eco-friendly condominium. DiCaprio just confirmed that he dropped a whole lot of green to buy an ultra-luxe “green” space in New York’s Riverhouse, an eco-friendly building overlooking the Hudson River. The 264-unit glass tower overlooks the river and a park, and boasts low emission paints, a 24-hour … Continue reading

Free Hot Water

Sometimes you can get really creative when the situation requires it. Here is a great tip I learned from someone who had temporarily run out of heating oil. Fortunately it was in the summer, so there was no fear of freezing to death. Unfortunately, because it was during the summer, there was no rush for the oil company to rectify the situation immediately, leaving the family without hot water for two days. While they could heat hot water on the stove as necessary, this method was cumbersome and no doubt cost them some money to run their stove so often. … Continue reading

Go Green with Your Pets

In honor of St. Patty’s Day yesterday, I looked at some ways to make your home a little more “green” — environmentally friendly — and how it can benefit your health. Now let’s look at a few ways to go green with your four-legged friends! Deal with pet waste naturally. Try flushable bags for picking up after your dogs on walks — flushing is best because it keeps bags and pet waste out of landfills and prevents soil and water contamination that comes with leaving doggy doo where it falls. If you don’t want to carry the waste to the … Continue reading

A Different Kind of Green for St. Patty’s Day

What does “green” mean to you? Okay, it can mean a lot of things. But for today, let’s think about “green” meaning earth-friendly. A few small changes can make your home healthier for you, your family, and the environment. Air out your new carpets BEFORE they enter the house. When you buy a carpet, ask the showroom to unroll the carpet for two weeks before they bring it into your house. This can allow volatile organic compounds (called VOCs) to escape before they enter your home and pollute your air. Look for paints that carry the Green Seal — they … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 2

Here are even more ideas to help you reduce the amount of trash that comes out of your home. You’ll save the environment, and you may even same some money, too. If you missed the earlier article on reducing your trash, called, aptly, Reducing Your Trash, click here. And now, let’s continue with tips for reducing your trash. Buy concentrated products that need to be diluted before use, such as cleaners, laundry detergents, frozen juice, fruit drinks and more. This will save on packaging, since you will be bringing less into your home. Reduce the amount of catalogues and junk … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash

Reducing the amount of trash that your household generates is important for the planet and your family. By reducing the amount you waste, you can save money (if you pay per bag or pound of disposal) and do something good for the environment. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your garbage. Leave the plastic grocery bags at the store. Bring your own canvas bags. Sure, you can buy them, but you can also get plenty of them free as giveaways through various promotions, if you keep your eyes open. If you must take your groceries home in store … Continue reading