More Holiday Grinches

Okay, it’s official—there are multiple grinches on the loose out there. In previous blogs I told you about the weirdo who stole a baby Jesus statute from a resident’s nativity set and replaced it with a can of beer and the wackos who tried to set fire to a giant straw goat–central Sweden’s official Christmas monument—but were foiled because it had been soaked with flame-resistant chemicals. Now, closer to home (within driving distance of my own backyard) some scrooge is chopping down Christmas trees in people’s yards. It’s hard to believe, but according to police, residents in Wisconsin are going … Continue reading

Real Life Christmas Grinches Part 2

In a previous blog I lamented about the wackos who seemingly find great joy in dismantling, destroying, or stealing homeowners’ outdoor Christmas decorations, including the incident where someone stole a baby Jesus statute from a resident’s nativity set and replaced it with a can of beer. I questioned whether the events were isolated or if this holiday madness was a growing epidemic. After hearing about this next incident I think I have my answer. Christmas grinches have struck again. Not in South Carolina, Southern California or even Savannah, Georgia… this time they’ve gone global… all the way to central Sweden. … Continue reading