The Price of Rice Up 70 Percent

There is more bad news in terms of food prices. Some types of rice have soared in price and analysts are predicting a possible world shortage. There are at least two large chain stores that are limiting the sale of rice. Read on, so you can be informed and prepared. I am a big advocate in using rice in meals. It has always been a big staple of economical cooking. Rice goes with so many other foods, and it can be used as a filler to stretch out meals. You can even use it in deserts. With prices on other … Continue reading

“But it’s Organic!”

I think it is pretty fair and honest to say that when I was growing up, we never talked about whether or not food was “organic.” Now, my mom was in to healthy eating and did the whole “back to nature” scene in the early seventies, but it was more about growing your own and not nearly at the level that things are now. In my own household, I find that my older teens and I are often deciding what we will eat and justifying our food choices based on whether or not something is organic—not necessarily whether or not … Continue reading

The Grocery Report

After being absent from the grocery store for about three weeks, we had a grocery shopping trip today. Although I know that food prices are rising, I was still shocked by how much some things cost. Other items stayed close to their previous prices, although the amount of the product shrunk. Here is a comparison of price changes on items that I found in one store in the span of those three weeks. The pricing may shock you. The first place I examine prices was in the baking aisle. I was in there anyway, picking up some cornstarch and baking … Continue reading

Saving Money With Cookbooks

Cookbooks are a handy accessory in the kitchen, and they can make meal planning a much more pleasant experience. In addition, nobody in the family will get tired of eating the same old thing day after day. But how can cookbooks really save you money in the long run? Here are a few ideas. First of all, limit the number of cookbooks you purchase. It is ridiculous to own 10 different cookbooks if there is only one or two recipes in each cookbook that you actually use. Unless the cookbooks were hand me downs, there isn’t a cookbook worth its … Continue reading

One Food Group that Isn’t Rising…Yet

When I write about food lately, I keep feeling as though I am always bearing bad news or being a person of “doom and gloom.” But unfortunately, rising food prices are a reality. Food prices are rising at an alarming rate, and analysts say that they are very unlikely to go down. Just to give you a hint of food prices here, just yesterday, I visited Acme Markets online to do some price comparison. Butter is selling at its regular price for $4.99 a pound! Can you believe it? I am used to paying $2 a pound. Jonesx6 tells me … Continue reading

How Much Are Food Prices Really Rising?

If you are wondering exactly how much food prices have been rising, let me share with you some U.S. federal date. Compared to last year, wholesale egg prices have risen 60 percent, pasta has risen 30 percent and fresh produce has risen by 20 percent. Unfortunately, this data is a little old. It doesn’t take into consideration recent months when food prices have really been soaring. Overall, prices for food have risen by 5.8 percent above last year. And, they are expected to increase by 7.5 percent every year for the next five years. Other resources report that baby formula, … Continue reading

A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping

Have you heard of salvage grocery shopping? You can save 25 to 60 percent off of your groceries if you practice this method of frugality. But, you need to be careful, too. I’ll share all of the information about what salvage grocery shopping it, how to do it and what tips you’ll need to successful. Salvage grocery shopping is on the rise, as food prices are going through the roof. More people are shopping at salvage grocery stores. I for one, have noticed a decrease in the offerings lately, whether that is because more people are practicing salvage grocery shopping … Continue reading

10 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill 2

Who couldn’t cut their grocery bill down a bit? Aside from rent or a mortgage, food tends to be the biggest monthly expense that most people have. Just saving a small percentage on your food bill can yield big dollar savings. And if you use all of these strategies, you’ll actually save a large percentage. In the previous article, we listed the first five ways to cut your grocery bill. If you missed that earlier article, you can click here: 10 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill. Now, let us continue. 6. Combine coupons with loss leader sales. Loss leaders … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: February 11th Through February 17th

As usual, the Frugal Blog has been packed with all sorts of frugal ideas. I love discovering new ways of saving money. Of course, sometimes we can go too far, can’t we? I would love to hear all of your favorite ways to save money. Hmm, that sounds like a good excuse for a contest to come here soon. You heard it first! And now, here is a review of all of last week’s frugal articles. February 11th Frugal Living Week in Review: February 4th Through February 10th From storing apples and using alternatives to expensive “green bags” to saving … Continue reading

Spend More on Groceries to Save Money

A lot of us frugally-minded people can become obsessed with saving money, especially when it comes to buying groceries. Sometimes spending a little more money on groceries can actually save money. This came up a bit yesterday, when we went with some friends to a specialty shop in Lancaster, Pa. While we were shopping, I was obsessively checking prices and calculating unit prices on everything. My friend, who is a very good steward of her family’s money said that she doesn’t really check the prices, she just gets what they like or need. That is when the old mirror got … Continue reading